Sunday, 18 October 2009


Mornings are the loveliest part of the day. This is the time of the year when the warm months give way to the approaching winter. Not that Chennai boasts of chilly winters but still it is winter! While traveling to Church this morning, the city was a landscape with silhouettes. The morning mist shrouded the city with rays of sunlight penetrating through the clouds. The tiny droplets of water that were found on the windows of the cars announce the change in the season which also brings images of Christmas and a new year.

The city looks different at different parts of the day. In the morning she is sleepy with the blanket of mist covering her. She reluctantly wakes up to the sun and gradually loses her dreamy state. Vehicles start plying and the fumes that accompany it give a very grayish crowded aura. The evening which slowly subdues the heat of the afternoon is a welcome change from the heat but nothing can deny the pregnant silence of the night. Even though vehicles do ply at night and shops are closed, the city looks very different from what she did during the day. She appears distant, dark and mysterious. But early mornings are something that makes the city surreal. Chennai with its flyovers enable the taxi to zoom past without worrying about traffic and jaywalkers. Especially early mornings. The buildings look elegant sans people; bus-stops house sleeping people; trains run faster. There is a certain visual pleasure that is absent during the busy hours of the day.

Sometimes I wish the dream continues but dreams are like that. They pass away. But then another dream takes its place.


  1. How true what you had said about how fleeting dreams are..


  2. Thanks for dropping by Silver. But the fleeting dreams are replaced by more dreams.

  3. When I was a research student, we used to all work through the nights (and unfortunately, through the day too). Often we used to be sitting on the steps of the lab watching the stars in the wee hours of the night. One such late night, my friend Gulshan Deboo asked me if I knew when the sky was darkest. Before I could say "after midnight", Guli supplied the answer. She said in a dreamy sort of way, "just before the first ray of light". And indeed she is right. After that morning, I have experienced this countless times.
    Nice insights. Just that they have a disastrous effect on the alertness levels of the brain the next day....

  4. Pushkaraj: Who thinks of the alertness levels of the brain when the sky, landscape and the mind are dancing together in joy.

  5. You have a strong and beautiful spirit. One that i am proud to stand alongside with you and share your ideals, your heart and love for all things around you. Yes, it's true. The day we stop dreaming, we pull a halt in our lives.

    Proud to know you too ;)


  6. Early morning is beautiful, when nature is wakening up.

  7. Absolutely UB. Morning is a beautiful time and if you are up to welcome the sun, nothing better than that!

  8. "Aj din chadeya tere rang varga" !!
    the morning today has your hue to it..

    beautiful thoughts and a beautiful blog :)

  9. Thanks for dropping by Vipenn. Glad that you liked the post as well the blog. Looking forward to more visits from you.

    Joy always.

    1. Susan - Sweet dreams are made of these
      Everybody is looking for something - Eurythmics


    2. Piara:

      Thanks for coming by. You made me revisit this post after such a long time. Thanks for that. And yes, sweet dreams are so. Lots of joy as you pass through life.



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