Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Call me by my name!

After a little while, say when you're 30 plus or so, you don't often get called by your name. The result is that you hear your name very less often than before. Your husband, mom and sister have their own favourite names to call you which does not remotely bear semblance to your given name! Today I was ecstatic when I went to the dentist's. I spelled my name for the receptionist and lingered on when I pronounced Deborah . . . I like the ring of De . . . bo . . . rah! It so happens that no one uses my second half name quite often except few, namely Aswathi Jerome, who uses the same to address me in chats and text messages. She also loves the name, as much as I do and more than once, she has reminded me that I have a lovely second half of my name!

More than the name, I like the wee history behind the real Deborah. She was a prophetess and a singer and led Israel to victory. She also happens to be the only female judge mentioned in the Bible. Now, isn't that wonderful. And being a judge, she would have been represented with the balancing scales which is incidentally the symbol of Libra, my sun-sign. I am acutely aware of different connections and somehow try to relate the same to me and my life. Well, let me get back to calling me by my name!

The calling of one's name brings many additional aspects to it - The sound: Not many can get the name right and the way it's pronounced. When someone calls the name in a lovely manner, I feel like asking them to call me once more. The sad part is that the name is not an Indian one but has been indianised by many and I cannot blame them. Names are great conversation starters and I just need an inkling to set me going on and on about my name. Sometimes I try to recreate Deborah of the Old Testament and imagine how she would have tackled the various challenges of her times. The name Deborah in Hebrew means a bee and my first name Susan, means a Lillie flower. I don't know whether my parents intentionally united the flower and the bee but still it works out well in unison.

So much so for my name. Will you call me Deborah? Do you like your name and do people call you by your name?

Image 1: Internet
Image 2: Internet


  1. For TEN years my silings--all younger--have been calling me "Steve" which IS my name.

    Sentence Translation: For ±SEVENTY years they've called me JUNIOR--isn't that a fancy moniker? If you've realized, I've ALWAYS (4 years??) referred to you as Susan Deborah,
    as in DEB-O-RAH...because I took liking to your name right away, Ma'am

    My father was named Stephen, because he was born on 26 December, the "Feast of Stephen". Inheriting the name I bacame a "Junior". Several other Stephens and a Stephanie in our family of cousins galore.

    Your post is interesting as usual, Susan Deborah(!) and as a meanderer I look forward to YOUR meanderings.

    1. Yes dear Steve, you always call me by my two first names and I so love that. Thanks Steve. You're a dispenser of joy always.

  2. I love the sound of Deborah - very unique and loves the way it rolls on the tongue :)

  3. Deborah! :)

    I like your name too. But I somehow prefer addressing you as Susan. It is true that we all develop an attachment to our names. I wonder if there is a reason behind why we obtain a certain name.

    I like my name. My name has a long story behind it. I will reserve that story for another conversation.

  4. I have always meant to ask you, but slips my mind. How is it that you have two first names! :)

    1. A very peculiar Christian practice, Aarti. I know that it is very confusing for people.

  5. Oops! Never realized till a few moments ago that you have 2 first names! So you want us to call you Susan Deborah or Susan or Deborah!! I liked the meaning of your name too... so very beautiful! I am called Shilpa usually but I hate it when some people add Shetty to it or Shirodkar (earlier!) :D

    1. No one notices much, Shilpa. Susan is so very easy to remember that many don't look beyond. I can understand when people try to connect one's name to celebrities - irritating, yes. BTW, there was an actress called Deborah Kerr!

  6. Susan Deborah, Well written :)
    Thanks for the insight on 'Deborah'.
    Calling a person with his/her full name often gives good vibration for that particular person. I have experienced it.

    1. Love the way you have addressed yourself as Barak, Deepak Karthik! I love to understand names and their meanings. Good to see you here, today. Thanks for coming by.

  7. Susan, I dont think my name can be shortened or meddled with; as it is, its just 3 letters :P :P

    I love your name ! I had a college friend called Susan and we have had some good times together. While I am still searching for her, I found you :D
    Deborah too has a nice ring to it...haven't pronounced it specifically. Because of your post, I am going to tell it aloud now :D

    1. Well, good for you, Uma.

      And, thanks for the lovely words! Call me aloud. Most welcome.

  8. Some people know only my pet name and blinks when somebody calls me Bhavia :P

  9. Dear Susan Deborah, I love both your names. Regardless of their meanings they go together so well, feel good to pronounce and their sound is melodic and sweet. I like hearing my name too. Especially when spoken in Spanish. It just sounds prettier than in English.

    1. Ah, Myrna, you always have nice and kind things to say when you visit. I love the ring of your name as well. It rhymes with Smyrna. Hope you've been well and happy.

  10. I love the later part of your name more than the former. Names are important to people and it can be very annoying when it is mispronounced!! I also like it because it rhymes with my name ( my only one unfortunately:( )

    1. I have learn to love the second first name now that Susan seems quite ubiquitous. Thanks for coming by Meera. A pleasure to see you here. And, yes, it does rhyme: Deborah/Meera!

  11. Here people ask me to shorten my name and I end up being called Raj :D My siblings call be daadu daadi daaku and whatever that rhymes with that. Thankfully for some strange reason my hubby calls me by my full name :D Interesting post. Think I just got inspired to write on a topic :D

    1. Raj isn't fair to the beautiful name you have but still it sounds good. Glad that your husband calls you by your full name. Must be feeling wonderful, na?

      Thanks for coming by, dear Rajlakshmi.

  12. Oh Susan Deborah...such a lovely name you have! Really liked how you brought your sun sign into picture! A

    1. Thanks Aditi. I always look and even dig for connections and that's how I figured this one out. So, what's the story of your name? Would love to hear it some time.

      Thanks for stopping by, dear Aditi.

  13. Susan ,this very interesting! I always wondered why you have two names. I always addressed you as Susan..I took an instant liking for you, may be because I am also a Libran, After reading this I pronounced Deb...o....rah several times and feel that this is more musical. So now onwards Deborah instead of Susan.

    1. Usha, thanks for this lovely comment. Having two first names is a peculiar Christian practice and so two names! And yes, Deborah sounds wonderful and musical.

  14. Names provide wonderful blog posts. My second name has almost disappeared...

  15. My darling Deborah you are :) mwaaaaaaaaaaaaahs



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