Thursday 22 July 2010

Wanting the NOW as FOREVER

Traveling and walking on the beach does this to me. A mad desire to seal time and wish that it was forever. While traveling in trains and buses, the gentle breeze, lulling movement makes me so lazy and comfortable that I start my fantasies. The first one, which would inevitably want entire life in a train/bus. I just don't feel like getting out and walking back home. It seems like a crude jolt of the embryonic delight.

Next, is the time when I walk in the smooth sand. Ah! I just wish that I could walk and walk into tomorrow and invariably want that FOREVER. Coming back home brings me into a different reality and time.

In instances as these, my thoughts flow to Rip Van Winkle and his sleep. How would he have felt after waking up after twenty years and finding everything so very different. Imagine not recognising anyone from his past. Oh! that would have been so cruel. Winkle froze in a particular time and that became FOREVER to him.

I am not only talking about lovely moments which many of us want forever nor I want everything to be hunky-dory like in 'feel good' movies.  All that I am talking about here is getting lost in a moment rather say, the present and feeling that it is FOREVER.

What are your FOREVER moments.

Images courtesy: 1. Government of India


  1. Oh Susan beautifully written!!

    My moments :
    Morning walks... I just feel the desire to keep walking and for the day freeze at time.

    To live by a waterfall. Whenever I visit a waterfall... I don't want to go back.

    While driving on a highway.. to drive endlessly and never have any destination.

    And many such moments.. Now and forever!

    The best part of your blog is.. it makes life look more beautiful... those sweet little moments we never care to think about... you put them in spotlight!!

    Wonderful post!!


  2. facing oceans, rivers, streams and listening to the sound of a've pretty much covered my happy places :)

  3. Beautiful as always; you have such a poetic and contemplative mind.
    I love trains too, I love the gentle transition they bring, in opposite to the abrupt one with plane travel. Just like you, I love the sea shores. A walk on the beach as I rest my eyes on the endless horizon is incredibly meditative.
    Forever moments, oh I have so many. They all include two things; special people or places.
    Have a lovely Thursday dear Susan,

  4. what an excellent thought...
    That's so well written.
    Enjoyed the post very much.


  5. Nice post..
    sea shores are my places...
    I love the soothing sound of waves especially at evenings... it feels like all your nerves get settled and calms you down

  6. u must watch inception sometime...I think Nolan lifted ur idea

  7. Sameera:

    As always, I welcome your nice words in my place. Water has magic, I guess. Many commenters have listed places with water as their FOREVER moments.


    Lovely to read your FOREVER places Lorraine. Have a splendid remainder of the week.

  8. Zuzana:

    Thanks again. Trains are lovely, especially long distance ones. We have so many traits in common Zuzana. You have a great Thursday too dear Zuzana.


    Smiles and joy.

  9. Harish:

    Welcome. Your first one here. Glad for that. The sound of water, the salty air: one feels like FOREVER truly :)


    A far-fetched one, this. Nolan has been working for about ten years on the script, I read. Sometimes many people think alike so it's not lifting or anything. Hope your Thursday is well and happy, John :) I should watch the film.

  10. Hey, you stole the words right out of my mouth! I like those train/ car journeys too where no one yaks away and soft country music is playing on the stereo... makes you wish the journey goes on forever. I like the beach too, though its the horizon rather than the sand that gets me wondering... I like gazing into the horizon. Another moment that wells me up is when you are at church and all of a sudden the choir goes into a beautiful rendition of a song that tugs your heart and its bliss, like the angels are singing and you wish it could go on forever, pure rapture.

  11. Lazing around, reading a book on a rainy or wintry Sunday afternoon is my forever moment. I wouldn't like to come out of that trance, expect to change the book after I've finished reading it!!

  12. beautiful thoughts moments. long walks int eh woods...sometimes myself sometimes with my fam...

  13. LOVELY post :) enjoyed reading it Susan ( as always!)
    This happens with me when I go out for long walks with my family back home in the mountains!! how I wished that that time/moment kept going on and on!! awww...and I am missing home already...

  14. Beautiful post! My forever moment would also be at the beach!

  15. Moonlight:

    It's nice to see that we share similar thoughts. Journeys have their own beauty. I want to go on one now!!!


    Lazing around with a book seems a luxury for me. These days I just cannot do that sort of a thing. Glad you are in a hostel and able to enjoy those FOREVER moments :)

  16. Brain:

    FOREVER moments are just wonderful. I am glad you enjoyed this today :)


    Pahadi dreams!!! Call people at home and tell them how much they are being missed :)

  17. Yuvika:

    Thanks and we share so many common traits :) Nice.

  18. Night walks in mist, holding hands with my children. And now, surprisingly at such a late age, the new joy of dance. And certain poems. Especially when read by certain people.

  19. Susan, I just loved this! There have been many moments, and dreams, when I wish I could have bottled them and took them out again just to re-live that time or dream again.
    Trains never fail to make me fall asleep! It must be the gentle, soothing sound and motion of being rocked to sleep.
    For some reason, that just put the thought of being rocked to sleep in the arms of Mother Nature in my head...and I'm already in a "dreamy mood today"!
    Big hugs!

  20. Wooooman!
    This is so beautifully written- I would have made a poem out of it... without changing a single word, just putting it in stanzas!

    How I love travelling by train- you have no idea... We have no trains on islands.. So one of my fave things to do whenener I travel to my beautiful continent is to get on one, for the sake of it and I become Agatha Chistie again.. (i am her reincarnation... in case you did not know that)

    hugs joy and love --- always!


  21. Barkat:

    yes, new joys come in when we need them the most. Age and other things don't matter. More joy and poems in the dance of life!


    I am glad that you liked this. I like the way you said 'bottled them.' How I wish it is plausible! Dream, dream, dream . . .

  22. Dulce:

    I am honoured to read that from a poet-enchantress!! Happy and beaming. Imagining a train journey with you! Splendid, by Jove. Much love to you dear Dulce :)
    As for Agatha Christie -- wohoooo.

  23. I love travelling too...oh and the walk on the beach..of course :) But since there are no beaches here so I take walk in the parks...greenery and the weather early morning :) wow effect !

    Umm my forever moments apart from these two ?...Rains..snuggling ;) these do this to me :)

  24. Nupur:

    Glad to know your FOREVER moments. Their duration lasts for some minutes or for hours but their charm is nonnegotiable and beautiful. These are the moments which we cherish whether in a group or alone.

    Thanks for sharing dear Nu. Have a good night :)

  25. I so love travelling by train and when that will happen sometime I'd love to seal the moments.
    Love your writing inspiring and romantic. Absolutely coincides my taste.
    Following you back!
    Let's drink that champagne!

  26. Ever tried walking bare footed in the cold sand of a river beech in a full moonlight not thinking about anything , cool breeze tickling your hair and the bright stars smiling at you and soft sounds of the running water playing music in your ears ? Hmmm sounds veryyy romantique to me and I so wish I could spend my entire time walking or sitting there.
    There are many things, many places and many works which I want to enjoy it forever and ever and ever. Otherwise this world would have never looked sooo beautiful.

  27. "While traveling in trains and buses, the gentle breeze, lulling movement makes me so lazy and comfortable that I start my fantasies." An ever recurring theme in my life! How I love train rides. But I have to take my fill of them when I am home... traveling by train from Cairo to Alexandria... one of my favorite rides. There is no such thing where I live. Well, there sort of is, but not in the true sense of 'train.'

    And a special moment for me is when I am sitting with my pen in my hand and the words are flowing from my head to my fingers to my pen to my journal... flowing with nothing to stop them. Those moments are such sweet bliss... and I try to cling to them as best I can... but they are ever fleeting... and they like to tease me... and hide.

    What lovely thoughts you share with us, and ask us to share with you, Susan.


  28. Betty:

    Welcome aboard and cheers to that! Thanks for the kind words. Hope to see more of you in the coming days. Cheerio!


    I always walk bare-footed but not on a full-moon night :(
    The world has its serene moments which we like to seal. Enjoyed reading your idea of romance!!

  29. Nevine:

    For a writer, pen, paper and words give that special feeling which one wants FOREVER. Oh!they are so fleeting otherwise we wouldn't care about those moments :)

    Your comments always make me smile.

    Joy always.

  30. I must say, I experience the same feeling... feels like holding there, staying back forever... you must visit Pondicherry for beaches... too good a place to visit! (If you havent)

    I joined a Marathon runner's club and went to Juhu beach, in mumbai...every alternate days... at morning 5'o clock... its a different feeling! I cherish tha!:)

  31. Karan:

    I have visited Pondicherry as well as Juhu beaches. All that matters is the sand, water and the walk, wherever the place.

    Have a good weekend Karan.

    Joy always.

  32. The 'forever' moments are basic, simple moments, that give me pleasure such as loosing myself in the process of sewing some piece of clothing.
    Otdoors - travelling on a long-distance train or bus, walking in the evenings , not on the beach but where the breeze of the sea could reach me and caress me.

    Lovely topic, and well-written Susan.

  33. Some lovely pics there.
    And thanks for reminding about Rip Van Winkle. It was (and is) one the best stories that I read in the school days. Just imagine if something like that happened in real life. Would we wake up in the midst of World War-III or will it be a peaceful world with plenty for all.

  34. DUTA:

    My friends always tell how they like sewing. Glad to know about your forever moments dear DUTA and thanks for your kind words.


    Welcome to the meanderings. Happy that Rip Van Winkle brought about lovely memories for you. Of course it happens like this in real life but only for our ministers who conveniently forgot everything done a while ago. We lesser mortals can only dream. What say? Whatever said and done, the world is a beautiful place and we can hope to have our pockets of forever moments.

    Do come by when you find the time. Shall be glad to have company :)

  35. It's these places that make you love your solitude! Wow. Love it :)



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