Thursday, 29 September 2011

Tell me

It has been a long time since I thought of this question to ask you. Let me ask you now.


Image: Internet


  1. I do not receive compliments on a day to day basis :-(

  2. Janu:

    Not on a day-to-day basis, but so far, which one?

  3. A few ladies have complimented me about my eyes...there I go being vain!! Anyway, the compliments I have enjoyed have been those from my bosses when I have successfully concluded a project. Also when I was leaving my previous workplace, my colleagues told me I was the best boss they have worked with, I really tried hard to hold back the tears...

  4. My 22 year old daughter had given me the best compliment when she'd said, " You are a cool Mom". Nothing beats this... :)

  5. Susan - I took long because I was sorting through the many compliments I have received so far ;)) But seriously, the best one for me is when people tell that I'm a non-judgmental listener..

  6. haha..nice ears...def not my strong suit...but i would have to say it was more about something i did than something about my appearance...

  7. Oh Susan I am sure you are going to create a post out of this...
    I have been told that I am compassionate person.

  8. The best compliment I've ever received at work came from a young patient's mother. She said, "You have been blessed by Dhanvantari himself. You have healing hands." (Dhanvantari is the Healer of the Gods in Hindu mythology.)

    And in personal life, I think it was my best friend who told me he thinks I have a truly uninhibited, genuine laugh.

    What's the best one you think you've received, Susan? I think it must be about your beautiful eyes, too. :)

  9. Two jump to mind first and best was Phyllis saying yes when I asked her to marry me!! Second one that comes to mind is Sulekha calling me a writographer!!

  10. the best one i have got is:

    'You really know how to accessorize correctly' :)

  11. Savira says...the lady that breathes her essence of 'Being Me' not only through her blog but in her world. This is the best compliment I received today....I am humbled.

  12. Only yesterday my darling daughter 'Dad you don't look half bad for a man of your generation.' Well when they say generation, you know you're really old!

  13. :) This kinda made my day! What a sweet thing to do!

    My best compliment was- "You were brilliant out there"

    In the process I relived each compliment. Thank you Susan. Wish you a happy weekend! :D

  14. When I get compliments from those reading my blog, I am walking on air. Their encouragement is a balm for my soul.

  15. The best compliment I have ever received was from my son in law. he said,"we need you." what runs a close second is my mom," I'm so glad you are here."

  16. the best complement i ever revived was the birth of my children

  17. From my kids,that I'm a good mother :)...I fall short from time to time, but it's nice to know they appreciate my efforts.

  18. My wife says I'm cool and lazy
    My friends call me funny and crazy
    My colleagues reveal faced with a deadline I work in a frenzy
    Are they compliments or otherwise is still a bit hazy.

  19. My wife says I'm cool and lazy
    My friends call me funny and crazy;
    My colleagues reveal when faced with a deadline I work in a frenzy;
    Are they compliments or otherwise it is still a bit hazy.

  20. That I'm a good son (said by both parents). :=)

  21. A very very elderly lady told e i would not be to bad looking if i had hair!

  22. Hi Susan .. a big 'thank you' from my mother with the words 'I couldn't have done this without you' .. her continuing struggle with being bedridden for over 4.5 years with strokes .. and my uncle - who said 'you've given me something to live for ..'

    So true .. we need to remember our elders in our rush for life .. we learn so much through the process - it has certainly enhanced mine.

    Cheers - Hilary

  23. "Your laugh can make others laugh so keep laughing!" :D

  24. What a wonderful question -- thank you for asking!

    Recently, I've noticed that some of my girlfriends get particularly "dolled up" when coming to meet me for social activities. They count on me bringing my camera (as I do) and they hope they'll end up with a fine art photo keepsake from the occasion. Which they certainly do ;-)

  25. Compliments sure do soothe the ego. I can't think of the best one I've received. I guess I don't get many, but I love to be told I've done a good job as a parent.

    My compliment to you: You have a great mind. I think slightly naughty, sharp, kind, quick, and very intelligent.

  26. Susan, did I miss your birthday? Hope you had an extraordinary day, or if it's still to come, hope it's wonderful.

  27. I have received compliments from various people... they differ with the relation and context... A compliment from boss is always welcome or from friends etc... but the first one that came in mind was... My cousin who was then 7 years old told me that my smile is like R Madhvan... probably that has struck in my mind since then...

  28. A:



    Let me rush to Facebook and look at your eyes! Compliments build me, don't they?

  29. Sulekha:

    Then you must be REALLY cool :)


    Corinne, non-judmental listener is phenomenal. I wish there were more like you.

  30. Brian:

    Nice ears!!! Are they long enough to keep all the secrets?


    Compassionate, lovely and warm.

  31. Karishma:

    You are indeed blessed, dear Karishma. You're one of those people I have to meet in life :)

    And my best: Well some years ago, there was a fellow teacher who asked me whether I had traveled much. To which I replied, "No." She told me: "I think you ought to travel because people around the world should know you and experience good conversation with you." I was overwhelmed.

  32. Jim:

    Writographer sounds classy and good. And you are!!!


    Welcome here, Ria. Thanks for coming by. Wonderful to know that you pick just the right accessory (I read this one on Facebook) and your friend is so true about this. Well deserved compliment indeed.

  33. JANU:

    What a lovely compliment, Janu. Savira knows how to put into words the innermost feelings of warmth.


    You must be a great dad and a cool friend.

  34. Sameera:

    You are brilliant in your blog, as well, dear Sameera. Hope home nourished, comforted and strengthened you.


    Oh yes, I can relate to this one. It is like cool waters on a hot summer day.

  35. Jan:

    Compliments as the one you have received warms the insides and makes us glow. I'm sure you're a lovely human being, friend, blogger and mother, dear Jan.


    Smiles. Proud father, I'm in awe of you!

  36. Jessica:

    Kids always lighten up a parent's day and I'm sure you're a great mom.


    Everyone cannot be:

    I reckon all these are compliments :)

  37. Age:



    Why, so. You look good even now with that shiney pate.

  38. Hilary:

    Lovely compliment, Hilary. And it carries an afterthought from you: Splendid.


    I MUST hear you laugh some day. Give me your number.

  39. Linda:

    I wish I lived near your place. I would also doll up and pout. But I guess I would end up photographing you instead as I don't like to be photographed.


    Thanks for your lovely words, dear Myrna. A big hug and kiss. My birthday was on the 1st and it was wonderful. I turned 32.

  40. Karan:

    Madhavan!!! Send me a picture of yours with that 'Madhavan' smile!!

  41. Aww, in that case, Susan, you're someone I absolutely have to meet, too. You enrich my life thru you blog, I wonder how incredible our conversations wud be. :)

  42. ah, i have received so many compliments by!

    can't remember anymore!

  43. "you are like fungus, you grow on people" I'll never forget that compliment

  44. Karishma:

    Come soon.


    Lucky lucky woman.


    The most original I have heard. You must be wonderful. I should meet you.

  45. Susan, no one can ever match up with you in coming up with such special thought provoking and innocently curious posts! :)
    Oh again a compliment? :D

    You ought to travel??? :) :) :)*smiling wide ear to ear*
    I met you even when you didn't travel. Lucky Me :D

    Well I get too many compliments to pen down here and I can't choose whether which is the best. Some are good at expressing and some or not (but they all do feel the same) :D ***Blinks and quickly clicks the “publish” button***

  46. Asif:

    Too many compliments, is it? Which was the best or which one has always remained within you?

    Blinks and clicks the "publish" button.

    Asif, how you get the bold font in your comment? Tell me how to do it, please.

  47. “You are what you are because of all the compliments” (0|o)

    And about the bold font, I've just sent you a mail. Do check it out :)

  48. the best and the closest to my heart:
    "i wish my daughter grows up to be like u"

    on a lighter note - poor girl :D

  49. Yuv:

    Whatte compliment!!! I would have loved to get something like that but not any parent in their right senses would say that!!!

    Have a great week ahead :)



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