Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Have I told you lately . . .

You know we take a lot of things in life for granted. Take for example, saying 'Thank-You.' There are many times when we feel gratitude and warmth for something that happened to us but we seldom express it. Well, this is my 200th post. Not a very great milestone, nevertheless it makes me happy happy. I did not intend anything like this when I started this blog. Starting this blog was a very personal motive which I thought will enable me to rid my emotional baggage. But here it is, read and loved by all of you.

So, today I am expressing my gratitude to all my followers and my commenters. You have made me feel special and worthwhile. Exchanging thoughts and ideas across ether is something that I enjoy and look forward to every time I post.

And I should add that you have given me the opportunity to be part of your excellent blogs. Reading your posts, expressing my thoughts and waiting for your next post is something which is cherished and loved by me. We are all fellow travellers in this blogosphere and I must say that the journey is/will be quite eventful and nourishing with you for company.

So let's uncork the champagne and toast for US!!!

Joy always :)

Image: Internet


  1. To you Susan and your 200th Post :)
    And Thank you very very much much :) for giving us such a wonderful blog to read. Yes we enjoy enjoy reading it and sharing our views.
    Fingers crossed! to see 1000th post on this blog.
    Keep blogging and keep sharing such wonderful thoughts :)

  2. Congratulations on your 200th post. Looking for many many more. i read your posts quite often.

  3. Congratulations for reaching a cool milestone!! :)
    Looking forward to many more!
    Cheers :)

  4. Congratulations Deborah.

    This is something to celebrate - that you are willing to take a risk and open up your heart and mind for others to see. And that you've done that for 200 posts. That's great.

    I consider you a little star in cyber space and I love the twinkle of you words.

  5. Congratulations!!

    Waiting for many more posts and hope you complete a triple century soon!!

  6. This is a big deal! It's a huge deal, in fact.

    It's a testament to your persistence, your beautiful thoughts, your expressive writing, and your meaningful contributions to not just the blogosphere, but our lives.

    Congratulations, my dear Susan, on reaching this milestone. I may not always comment, but I have enjoyed meandering with you tremendously. Thank you, also, for making me reflect on the questions you raise.

    Looking forward to many more such "anniversaries." :-)

  7. as with most journeys it is flavored by the people we take it with...i am glad to travel that road with you susan. congrats on 200 and hope for many more...

  8. With posts so voluble
    reaching another double
    should not be much trouble
    for a person so capable.

    Susan congrats on your double century.

  9. Yippie !!!

    Indeed a milestone Sus !! I'm glad I read you and shall keep doing that...

    Keep the posts coming :)

    Congratulations !

  10. Way to go girl! oh that's a major milestone.Feel so happy for you and for knowing you.
    Sry was busy practically the whole day but need to thank you for your stopping by on my post and prolific that you are...ur words kept me in good spirits the entire day.
    Have enjoyed your posts...including all that you put on ur page...have commented on few but trust me mostly try to catch up on your sincere and honest thoughts.
    Congratulations and yeah let's uncork the champagne...let's toast it to many many more from you :):)

  11. Congratulations on your 200th post. This is worth celebrating... Cheers to you Susan.

  12. Congrats !
    200 posts is really a big deal !!

  13. Cheers Baby...

    It's been My pleasure to have found YOU... greatest of blogger friends...

    You shine Susan!

    Congrats on your 200th!


  14. Susan..Congratulations!..200 posts of beautiful thoughts. I would gladly sip champagne with you on any occasion! I want to thank you also for your very kind birthday wishes. They were most appreciated. You are so right about the blogosphere...wonderful things happen here!

    Best wishes...

    Jeanne xx

  15. Congrats Susan on ur 200th post.. of course this is a hr8 milestone and I am glad to have found you here. I always wonder and admire the way you write about simple things from our daily lives which we forget to ponder about. So thanks to you too :) and to the blogosphere which connected us :)


  16. Cheers Susan! To you and your wonderful blog. This is a milestone and am so glad for you. I soon reach my 100th post and can't wait to rave about it :)

  17. You got the joy joy joy joy down in the blog
    down in the blog
    down in the blog

  18. Congratulations my dearest Susan!!! This feels so lovely!!!!
    Three cheers to you, meanderings and all the fellow bloggers! :)
    I am so very glad to have found you through this gem of a blog and truly cherish every moment spent here.
    CHEERS!! to the 200th and looking forward to many many more to come!
    Wishing you a happy day :)
    love and big big hugs

  19. MANY CONGRATULATIONS! Yay, 200! You have made it.;)) And I have enjoyed the journey with you, looking forward so much to what is yet to come.;))
    Well done girl, you are one of my favorite bloggers.;)
    Much love,

  20. a toast to you Sus and Meanderings... absolutely love reading and knowing you

    Hugggggggggggggggggs babe

  21. Here's to you and your blog... and to all our future ruminations together. *clinking of champagne glasses*

  22. I wish your blog should reach 2000,Congrats..

  23. Congrats!! Have I told you that I loved your every single post? Also, did I mention your blog has always been 'my pocket of joy'and source of wisdom. ..?

    ;) Three cheers for Susan's blog:

    Hip Hip Hurray!
    Hip Hip Hurray!
    Hip Hip Hurray!

  24. Cheers, Susan! 200 blog posts is quite a milestone. Congratulations :-) I'm relatively new to your blog and hope to be reading more.

  25. Congrats! on your 200th post. Wow! thats a long journey and hope many more zeroes are added to the existing number.

  26. I can't wait to reach my 200th post. Congratulations!


  27. Mmm, champagne sounds like a wonderful idea, Susan!

    Well done on 200 posts, that's a marvellous blogging achievement. And thank YOU, for your beautiful and pensive posts, and thoughtful, brilliant comments. Here's to the future :D

  28. A clink to you, Dear Susan, as you celebrate your 200th post! I celebrate with you, with joy from the bottom of my heart. You know you are one of my true favorites, and I hate to miss a single post... every word filled with wisdom and something lovely to think about. Your spirit is filled with joy and I do so love to dialogue with you, Susan. And so, I would not have wanted to miss this fabulous celebration... though I fear I am very late. Please accept my apologies... though I know you will. ;-)

    I wish you the best of luck with your blogging experience for years to come and may you always be "happy happy".


  29. Dear ones:

    You cannot imagine how nice I felt reading your words of encouragement and best wishes.

    Shall look forward to lovelier times with your posts and YOU.

    Joy always :)


  30. Congrats on the 200th! I was MIA during the week so only just seeing this! Here's to 200 more!! =)

  31. Thanks dear PB. Your wishes are much appreciated.

    Joy always :)

  32. Oh my, how did I miss this post!

    CONGRATS, Susan dear on the 200th!!!
    How awesome is that!! Your posts are always amazing!!

    B xx hugs to you!



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