Saturday 1 March 2014

She could be me in another garb!

I know for a fact that each individual has her/his writing style which is unique to him/her but when I stop by at some blogs, I am reminded of the blogger ME. Yesterday, when I was supposed to be doing some serious work, I stopped at a blog for taking a wee break which extended beyond wee (that's another matter) and was astonished beyond belief that the writing was so very ME. In that blog, stood many posts which were drafted in my mind, same lines, same expressions and even same cliches. I was flabbergasted and a bit worried because the posts inflated my sense of 'uniqueness.' The topics were quite assorted but the thought process of those posts stripped me my sense of uniqueness. I guess that happens to almost most of us. No matter how much we talk of individuality and being special, some of these findings deflate our own brand that defines us.

The first post that I read piqued my curiosity because here was someone who thought and expressed things like me. I moved on to the next post and like that I would have read about ten posts or so which spoke of diverse interests and meanderings. Maybe the writer and I were some sort of joint souls who were separated many births ago but still have come together through posts in this era. As my reading progressed, I came to understand that I enjoyed those posts - the identity of the person behind those posts came alive with every post and that brought me close to the writer herself. I could see her smirk, delight, excited and morose. While she poured out her heart in her posts, I identified me. The thoughts that were a blur in my mind gained clarity when I read hers. Maybe I am exaggerating but I did feel like that when I read those posts by her.

The only thing I regret is that she had turned my drafts into delectable posts and I might not be interested in turning those drafts of mine into posts. She has already done that. Now, to prevent her turning more of my drafts into posts, I have to blog more regularly so that the girl who could be me would not steal my unwritten drafts.

This post is dedicated to her. I will not disclose her blog's name for you might land up there and exclaim, 'Really? She is not like Susan at all. In fact, she is much better!' Even though, you will not scream this on my face, the chances that you will find no similarities between us is quite high. So, I will leave you wondering about this blog I am referring to and also whether you have found any blog that captures the essence of YOU.


  1. A doppelganger of the mind and the heart is it?

    Super :)

    1. Ah, Mahesh, Doppelganger was the word that suddenly deserted me when I was searching for it. Thanks.

  2. hello Susan! it was nice to read one of your posts again. It has been a long while since i blogged! I have read many writings that speak to me like they were my own works but i haven't come across a lot. i think it is so interesting that this may happen and sometimes i would worry that someone was taking my work and revising to make it their own which i hope that is not the case with the blog in your post. interesting post as usual. thank you for it! hope you have been well!

    1. Hope, really, is that you? Gosh, it has been quite some time and our journeys have us disappear from time to time. I am glad to see your comment today. Hope you have been well. I am good. Thanks. Sometimes we do see people who write just like us and most often, if you're like me, you would feel a bit stifled on seeing that but later you feel happy that you re not the only one.

  3. Oh wow! That must be some feeling! and yes would love to see what you saw but nevertheless you piqued my interest in browsing through all your posts :)

    1. Hello Seeta, welcome here. Good to see you and glad that you found this place interesting. Cheers!

  4. Wow! I haven't felt that so far. I have connected with many ladies who write similarly or on similar issues but not this deep :).

  5. hint! hint! leave clues for this treasure hunt!

  6. This is fun reading! So, you are going to write more often hereafter, thanks to your 'friend' who has 'inspired' you now!

    My 2 drafts are already in post form by two of my friends. I should not have postponed writing them and posting them! But they were better than mine!

    1. Atleast I thought I would but I don't know, Sandhya. Yeah, when I read her, she is always better than I am.

  7. wow to have found your soulmate in your thoughts and writing.
    no worries... i will always come by. cheers

    1. Happy to see you, as always Gaia. Please do come by as often. A kiss to Sage.

  8. Wow! How fascinating that you found you "soulmate" in writing. There are many bloggers with whom I feel a close association, but none who I feel mimics my style. Who knows? Maybe, I'll run across him/her one day . . .
    Blessings and love, Susan!

    1. Perhaps, Martha but I don't think the other blogger will feel so.

  9. My Dear Susan.. kindred soul.. I remember running an anonymous blog once, anonymous to everyone I knew except me, scribbled thoughts.. a blog friend found it, and wrote commented, your style of writing is very similar to a blog of mine, here is her link! Until then, I took blogging to be a very casual affair with writing and reading.. that some keen observers remember styles of writing and thought processes.. and reflect on the post! I stopped blogging for a while.. until I began to take it a wee bit seriously later :) could be a blog you started and forgot all about.. run to a doc, mulled over split personality ... ;)

    Love Ashes

    1. No Miss. Pins. I don't have any anon notes tucked anywhere, sadly. But your story seems quite curious.



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