Sunday, 10 March 2013

Relaxation has a new definition

Writing academic essays can be quite taxing and often one needs a break which is short, does not involve getting up from one's seat and also quite colourful. Since most of my papers are written during the night, after 10 pm or so, I don't see much when I look outside the window from my sitting position. Facebook was one such break for me but sometimes the overpowering pictures and messages that are done-to-death tire me. Now I have found another unique way of giving myself power-breaks.

I window-shop the online jewellery sites. Surprised? Here's how I do it.

Being a sucker for silver and ethnic jewellery, I have 'liked' many jewellery pages on Facebook. Most often these pages lead to a website which has many designs on one page and so one doesn't have to click to go to the next design. Simply scrolling will do the work.

I open four to five tabs at the same time. In the first break, I lustily look at the designs. I drool, yearn, one finger waiting to hit the comment and type - "Please book this one for me," until reality in a tiny voice says, "Already you bought three sets this month. Better get back to work." I chide that tiny voice and get back not without glancing a furtive look which means, "I will come back later" (in a whisper).

The writing resumes.

An hour and a half passes.

This time it's another online site which sells wonderful handmade pieces. The same process begins again. I remember the tiny voice that warned me earlier. I promise myself not to give in to the lust of the eyes for there begins everything. Eve started it all. She looked at the beautiful fruit, lusted for it and egged on by the vile serpent ate the forbidden fruit. Eve had only the fruit to combat unlike women like me who have to battle out so many distractions on a daily basis. I know that I sound extremely urban and a hungry consumer of online goods when I talk of my paltry temptations but only those who have experienced it know the intensity of what I'm talking about.

Slowly and steadily, I treat my wee breaks as only breaks to satisfy my curiosity of the cute wares. Period. No buying and no giving in till the next month.

My online revelry continues . . .

What's your online temptation story esp in relation to online shopping?

Images: Vinod VV Photography

Postscript: All images used in this post belongs to Vinod Velayudhan, a photographer who records beautiful moments and delivers precious memories. Visit his site to view his pictures. 


  1. Amateur to Appreciate..
    Admiring the post :) :)

  2. Such an inspiring post Susan, especially during my exam times. Reading this articles, gives me a satisfaction that I'm not the only soul burning midnight oil. Your tips about study-time break i.e. Online window shopping is quite interesting.

    My favourite like "Eve started it all" :) :D

    Thanks for an inspiring article

  3. Glad to see that your inner clock reminds you that the tab you need to spend the most time with is on your keyboard!

  4. Susan, I'm pinching your likes!! I've been on the lookout for ethnic jewelery pages for a long time! And yes, sometimes I too feel like such a consumerist! Its not easy being an urban woman ;)

    Lovely post!

  5. btw, you should check out a friend's page as well- she makes some brilliant stuff :-))

  6. ha...i like natural elements in jewelry...stone, wood...i get sucked into books online...i could spend forever perusing amazon....

  7. Nice nice :) Took things aptly and wove an excellent post around them

  8. Nice nice :) Took the right pictures & wove a post around them aptly

  9. I love food photographs, especially bakery items, etc. I am walking on my terrace some days in order to stop myself from buying (another) bakery item while walking in the streets :P

    Destination Infinity

  10. Hey, you write essays for MBA students?

    For me, it has always been perfumes and books. I will keep looking for the best prices available online but never end up buying them.

  11. hahaaa its a natural crave on jewelry, and its a nice break indeed but how can you get back to work just like that (without buying it)? I get distracted like anything when i browse online for any merchandise... nice post :)

    And 'LOL' on that tiny voice in the post... :D

    my power break is facebook, twitter and flipkart ;)


  12. I don't like to shop online too much. For a break, I usually (this may sound silly) dance. A little latin rhythm goes a long way to energize me. But, I no longer do academic papers so I really have little to take a break from. Enjoy your jewelry fantasies. Have fun.

  13. You know im reading your blog to pull me away from a online book store. I was almost about to buy one when suddenly my inner voice told first finish the books you bought in the book fair! i said i will come soon and left the page.

  14. Oh, I am an online shopoholic. I can browse through any kind of store, depending on what I need; clothes, interior design, furniture, jewelry, shoes, make up, books, music. I even bought vitamins online. I honestly can not recall last time I bought anything in a store except for groceries.;)

  15. I hear u Susan...

    whenever I try doing anything on the comp, I just end up facebooking youtubing and gmailing :)

    Once upon a time, I used to buy crazy from snapdeal, not because I wanted any of 'em but just because it was cheap :)

    Now I'm wiser.. my zero balance acc is usually always true to its name



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