Friday, 31 December 2010

Joy and peace as you step into 2011

You have done what you could — some blunders and absurdities have crept in. Forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
          ~ Emerson

Image: Internet


  1. Wishing you a wonderful New Year too Susan!

    Ah.. I love Emerson. Brilliant quote.

  2. Wish you a happy and prosperous new year Susan !!

  3. Susan you have parted with beautiful words of wisdom and have extended that hand of friendship. It has been a pleasure to share your journey in these last few months.
    I wish you many more beautiful experiences and eagerly wait to read more words of wisdom form you.
    May it shine bright always on you

  4. Here's wishing you all the love, joys and good things in life dawn on you and yours with this new start.

    Happy New Year, Susan!

    Lots of love and big hugs!

    B xx

  5. Wish you a wonderful and happy new year, Susan! *big hug* :)

  6. smiles. i hope you have a wonderful new years and that you can turn the page with a smile...

  7. Excellent quote to start the year with.

    Susan, Happy New Year!

  8. Move on and leave the past behind! That's what it's all about, yes! A new year always comes with its hopes and joys... and its challenges, too. But let those challenges be stepping stones... and nothing more!

    May your 2011 be filled with joy and health and success, Dear Susan.

    Big hugs,

  9. thank God for new days! and New Years! :)

    Happy New Year Everyone!

  10. love these wise words you've chose..
    Already 2011 at your place...Happy New Year, Susan!

  11. Dear Susan,

    Came here to wish you and yours the best of luck in this year of the rabbit... Happy New Year!!!;)

    God Bless!!!;)


  12. Happy New Year From Southern California.

    No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy today, mix good cheer with friends today enjoy it and bless God for it. ~Henry Ward Beecher

    May God Bless and Protect You in the Year to Come. ~Ron

  13. Happy New Year Susan! Hope 2011 brings all the very best for you and your loved ones...

  14. Happy New Year dearest Susan, may 2011 be a happy and a prosperous year for you.
    Thank you for all the wonderful writing this past year and I am looking forward to a another year of your eloquent reflections.;))

  15. I'm so glad I met you in 2010. I've enjoyed so much reading your insightful and delightful posts. May the highest good bless you this new year and always.

  16. Great Emerson quote, and the perfect way to begin a new year.

    All the best to you in the upcoming weeks and days!

  17. Susan

    It is a brand new year the future lies before you as yet unwritten, you get to chose which way your heart will led you, the world will do its thing, rise above and claim who you are and live accordingly in your own integrity with peace and joy in your heart that you made the right choices, then there will be no need to look back in regret.

    My Wishes for you ~ Comfort on difficult days, Smiles when sadness intrudes, Laughter to kiss your lips, Sunsets to warm your heart, Hugs when spirits sag, Beauty for your eyes to see, Friendships to brighten your being, Faith so that you can believe, Confidence for when you doubt, Courage to know yourself, Patience to accept the truth.
    But above all, lot of Love to complete your life.

    warm hugs,

  18. Hey Susan,
    Wish you a very happy new year! I'm just out of thesis, and into postdoc. And wondering how are you? Thesis submission must be over and you would be loving the new freedom :)
    cheers & joy!

  19. Hey Susan, Wishing you a very happy and fulfilling 2011!

  20. Wishing you a very very HAPPY NEW YEAR Susan :)
    May you have a blessed year ahead sprinkled with love,laughter, success and good health!
    loads of love!
    and warmest regards,

  21. Wishing you a memorable and a pleasant year 2011 too, have lots of fun... take care.

  22. Have a lovely year Susan :)


  23. Tomorrow is another day, and 2011 is another year, a new year.
    Let's hope it will be a happy year for us!

  24. Anything new always holds promises. I hope the year unfolds brilliantly to all you wonderful people out there.

    Cheers and joy always :)

  25. A Happy 2011 to you, Susan. May it be a year of fulfilled dreams.



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