Tuesday, 19 November 2013

A kiss is just a kiss

This post has been itching to escape into the blog ever since it has been stifling in the crevices of my mindscape and I wonder why I have imprisoned it for so long. So, today, I've given a solace to the itch by applying a potion in the form of writing the post! I have always longed to devote a post to THE KISS and not the kiss that every one gives everyone but the special passionate ones that are employed to many forms of expressing love and extreme fondness in the name of lust. Well, a kiss definitely gets it started and suspends time and place. And for people like me growing up in the 90s, a kiss was as scandalous as sex itself and it was one of those forbidden pleasures that made us yearn for them on TV shows.

I remember awaiting those 'kisses' in the 'foreign' (read English) films when first Metro channel came about in the 90s. And, of course, the after kiss 'scenes' would also be eagerly anticipated but alas! they were denied to keen watchers by the censor boards who chose to not corrupt the young and fiery minds of productive youngsters like me. Well, we waited patiently for those passionate kisses and were rewarded by many during our growing up years. So much so that I even thought that a kiss is fatal enough to make one pregnant! I cannot digest my naiveté and today I wonder whether innocence of that sort was actually possibly imaginable!
I remember the famous TV program of those years, Guinness Book of World Records ended with a kiss and I would wait with bated breath to just watch that brief kiss. Ah, what thrill it gave me to imagine a kiss. I even shared the vital piece of information with a friend who also waited for that 'kissey' ending.

And it is for all the above mentioned reasons and more that the film, Cinema Paradiso is a film that is very close to my heart. For those who have seen the film, you will understand the connection between kisses and the film. For those who haven't seen it yet, here you go: The small boy Toto is fascinated by films and spends a lot of time at the cinema house  with Alfredo, the projectionist. But the films have many missing scenes - kissing and embracing scenes which are cut, following the instructions of the local priest. Many years pass by and  Toto is a successful director and comes to his village after a long time to attend the funeral of Alfredo. Alfredo's wife gives Toto something that Alfredo had left behind for him and it is a reel that is a montage made of all the deleted 'kiss' scenes and as Toto watches that he cannot stop thinking of his growing up years and Alfredo. That scene from the film is something that will never ever leave my mind. It is a wonderful mash of memories, desire and nostalgia. And every time I see Cinema Paradiso, I can't stop thinking about my tryst with kisses.
P. S. I still love kisses the same way as I used to then but no longer await those passionate kiss scenes like yore!

Images 1 & 2: Shutterstock
Image 3: Internet


  1. Glad that you let loose this topic from the prison of your subconscious, Mrs Sus! But I think it's just a tease. I expected to read about your experiences in passionate kisses. Or perhaps some tips on how to be a good kisser. Can you do a follow-up on that, pretty please?

  2. Interesting read Susan, I wonder whether the kisses that came later matched the impression created by the movies!

  3. Always the mystery, that is what it was for me.

  4. Ah, I remember those American serials and movies that we used to await for the passionate kiss scenes. And in the absence of internet, our knowledge in such matters was pathetically outdated :). It was innocence alright!

  5. isn't a kiss the most passionate, lustrous form of expression? and to feel one, to actually feel that passion in giving one, ahhh that makes everything in that instant right in this universe and all the others.

  6. Now me reminiscing my trysts with kiss! I used to think only non-Indians kissed for a long time! Excellent post Susan on the history and memory of the Kiss.

  7. Suan, u made me smile.. the kiss, the forbidden, the yearning, the pregnancy and cinema paradiso... but the kiss, is the most intimate of passions there is to be, isn't not... :)

  8. When I was a child, I too thought kisses could make one pregnant. Now I know better. But I do find the kiss one of the most interesting of human behaviors. It can express affection of so many different kinds ranging from passionate lust to innocent love. The kiss has taken on a different meaning for me. The best ones are the ones my grandchildren give me. Hope you receive many well meaning kisses in your lifetime Susan.

  9. Hvnt watched the movie .. buts eems interestingQ N I so identfy awaiting of rthe 'Kiss' scene in movies n serials.. somehow I hvnt yet lost the fascination for it :)

  10. Nothing like the real thing though :)

  11. Goes to show how innocent we were right...the kiss had a certain magic - we would blush watching it on screen! Lovely post, Sus, but I've got to agree with AJ - we want more! :)

  12. For me, my mom's kiss on my forehead is the BEST!

  13. :D
    I agree with Suzy! ;)
    Nothing like the real thing.. though some of the kissing scenes in a few movies are sigh-worthy :)

  14. Nothing like those passionate kisses! :) Loved this post, Susan, and your description of that movie has me really wanting to see it.
    Blessings to you!

  15. Nowadays kisses have become most common in films and in TV shows. But seeing those once in a blue moon passionate lovable kisses are just bliss ;)

  16. Watch Ram Leela for a puckishly disgusting kissing scenes. :D The romance has gone from the online kisses. I prefer the offline ones now. ;)

  17. The movie sounds really good! Will try n find it online... As for the kiss, it is the most passionate of expressions of love I feel!
    While watching and 'English' movie as a kid, me n sis would always switch the channel whenever a kissing scene appeared esp when papa was around... :) ;) blushing n giggling all the way...

  18. I can think of some foot popping toe curling passionate kisses on-screen. Frankly, those really raised my expectations :p

  19. I remember waiting for those toe curling kisses and then getting my first kiss and thinking "Is that it?" LOL Then I finally got to experience the toe curling. Who know it depended on the person you were kissing? Ah the chemistry factor!!

  20. Interesting.. You know when I was in school, I used to think only foreigners kissed :). This was because one only read it in the English romance novels and watched them in English movies. I don't know why the Indian censors make such a hue and cry about letting it pass through their scissors. It is probably the best possible expression of love that can be shown on screen. I am all for the kidss !!!

  21. Haha! I thought the same too... kiss=pregnancy. How innocent (or dumb) we were as kids. And I remember the embarrassment in the room when others were watching these scenes too! :D

  22. Cimena Paradiso - This seems to be an interesting story. Loved your post Suzy :)

  23. Kiss is something that I can never feel enough of words to describe!

  24. Kiss is something that I can never feel enough of words to describe!



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