Wednesday 10 July 2013

A morning walk

What about a morning walk, you ask. Does it even require a post. Ah, yes. You are right. These days morning walks have become the norm for many people from diverse age groups. Then what is this - A post on morning walk! Well, for starters, I was a regular morning walk person until . . . marriage consumed me! Well, marriage actually did not consume me the way excuses and 'let it bes' consumed me. Today after a very long time, I ventured to do something that I have always liked doing - going for a morning walk.

Today's walk was different and special in many ways: My grandfather and I always enjoyed brisk walks and by the time we came home, we would be drenched in sweat and wonderful stories. He passed on last week and today's walk reminded me of him and the lovely times. I missed him.

Those days (read before marriage), after my morning walk, I could come home, log on to the internet after my morning duties and wait for breakfast to be served. Well, now I don't have such luxury. I have to think and also prepare my own breakfast. This reminds me fondly of my mom whose delicious breakfasts are not a great match with those of mine. I'm not that bad but I'm not that good as well.

After a long time, I felt the cool breeze of the morning brush past me and saw birds of different hues seated neatly on the telephone wires. The green after the rain was a soothing gift to my eyes and if a bit more overwhelmed, I would have danced on the road while walking.

So many things change within and around us and something as a morning walk can remind us of all those memories. Sometimes the very thought that everyone else is asleep but you are outside enjoying the early morning gives a certain vicarious pleasure (So much so, there is even a teeny-weeny voice which calls others 'lazy'). The thought empowers. Hence, a walk is not just a walk. It is many things. It's beauty, it's memories, it's joy, it's love, it's a smile and a dance. But will this be the case every single day? I can't vouch for that. If it is, there's nothing like that but if it's not, then it's upto us to invigorate our walk.

The bottom line is: Keep walking for you never know what each walk will give you.

Leaving you with a song from Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR): Have you ever seen the rain?

Images: Blogger's own


  1. So true Susan.. Inspired, off to do a post :D

    1. Would like to read the post. Glad that this post inspired thee!

  2. mmm.. morning walks, memories.. mysteries each day bring up, I lvvv my morning walks.. and btw Nan is big one for walks and jogs with our green mornings and spottings except for the cows that scare us :)


    PS: this is just like an ensuing conversation .. :)

    1. After this walk, it rained in the mornings and I didn't go. Well, I still dream of walking . . .

  3. I love walking. But for me it is evening walks. Morning are consumed by getting kids ready for school. They are indeed a beautiful experience, and I avoid missing mine at any cost!

    1. Earlier we used to walk in the evenings, tried mornings out of a whim. It may change as well. The rains determine the mood, Rachna.

  4. Some how I cannot get up early in the morning, early enough for walks. I do go to the gym...or else, it is evening walls.

    1. The rains have momentarily suspended my morning walks. Life goes on. I love to walk, though.

  5. I really enjoyed reading this post, Susan. I too used to go for long walks with my father right from childhood. We would have heart to heart talks on everything under the sun. Looking back, I see how precious it is. Thanks for this reminder. Loved this post:)

    1. Thanks dear Swapna. Glad that the post kindled some fond memories for you. Somehow walks loosen the tongue and mind. It seems so very cathartic. Your lovely words lit me up within and outside.

  6. ah but marriage is a good consuming..ha...i know what you are saying...i love a good walk...probably from walking so much as a child...we went on such adventures with just our feet...

    1. Yeah, Brian, good consuming but sometimes time and interests are also consumed. Walks are definitely good and invigorating.

  7. I used to feel that way about my runs when I started running. Every day it was an unforgettable experience, then as I became more of a "runner", I am consumed now with times and pace and in doing so, I miss the beauty around me. Maybe I should go for a walk instead.

    1. Yes, Myriam walks are some what different from runs. You should do them once a while.

  8. Wow! A good beginning... My parents are heavily into morning and evening walks. As kids we used to walk so very religiously along with our regular play. Now, I get inspired one day and demotivated to walk the next day. It is in top of my mind but some how am never able to walk for a week at a stretch. Must do it..

    1. Ah, same here, Shilpa. Theoretically, I enjoy walks but when it comes to the practical, it does not work sometimes. The rains have temporarily stopped my walks and I'm not as consumed by the idea of walking through rain and shine. Perhaps I'm just giving excuses.

  9. Hello my friend!
    Running...walking...ALL good. Met a fellow this morning in "Freedom Park" (Naples). In a wheelchair, visiting from Wisconsin. He told me he is certain that he enjoys his "walk" in the park, more than those people who are aimlessly jogging, running, walking. Just getting out of the house is a grand experience for him, much less getting out of Wisconsin.....
    PEACE and LIGHT, Susan Daborah!

    1. And yes, getting out of the house is definitely a grand experience but the time between forcing oneself out of the bed to the outdoors is a lifetime by itself!

  10. My condolenses dear Susan, on your grandfather's death. I know what you mean about a good walk. I love them. I haven't been walking much lately and I miss it so much. Marriage does tend to make alterations to our habits. But overall, it works out well. Maybe you'll wind up walking with hubby.

    Hope you are well, not working too hard.

    1. Thanks for the condolence message, dear Myrna. Hope you've been well and happy. Have a wonderful week ahead :)

  11. The things you discover on every new walk is an additional bonus.

    1. I know, Joe. Every time one walks, the thoughts and sightings are different.

      Hope you've been well and happy.

  12. Even though morning walk is good for health, for me it came with a problem, those tea shops open in the morning tempted me to have the Vadai- Tea ( In Chennai most tea shops are open by 4.30 AM ) which always gave an opportunity for a smoke.


    1. Hmmmm. If you have a campus like I do, then the Tea shop/cigarette/vadai problem will be solved.

      Welcome to the Meanderings. Glad to have you stop by.

  13. I also love the serenity and introspection that peaceful morning walks bring. I miss that luxury now.

    1. I understand. Can't you squeeze a walk in the week with Vish taking care of M?

  14. (Via Geetha K.)
    missing my walks nw susan... used to jog n walk regularly...but nw the endless responsibilities that we are drowned in... still can give it a try though..... song ws fine ... i'm not much into english numbers ...though i do listen to some o them...of course from the endless tamizh ones ...this one came to my mind... mazhaiye mazhaiye..neerin thiraye..vaanam thelikum kavithai thuliye..megathin siripolliye......rim jhim..rim jhim the soothing voice of hariharan...

    1. As women we have to schedule our priorities and time! phew! and that is a lot of work and energy, I say.

      And the songs, all rain songs, na. Super.

  15. Hw r u Susan?
    For long, I didn't come this way n for long u didn't post the way u do usually...:)
    Hope u r ok!!!
    Walks - morning or afternoon - I luv them. I am worried or happy I luv to walk! It's one of my favorite pastimes.And really, I too have been luving it since my childhood. And if it is in the morning, it becomes awesome. That breath of fresh air - those chirping of birds - it is difficult any other time.But in metros, even the mornings don't have the birds - except probably the parks and zoo kind of areas... mis the ones I had in my small town!!! :)
    Keep smiling!!!

    1. Hey Sunny, thanks for coming by. I'm doing well. I was on a vacation to Kerala and Chennai and so for a month wasn't posting.

      And yes, walks are always lovely except the time when the sun is harsh over you! Even in Goa, there is our campus where we enjoy lovely walks.

      How have you been and how is life with you?

      Have a great week ahead.

  16. Walking and Swimming are the best exercise. Walking is very easy compared to swimming and cost free. I am also planning to go for it soon.

  17. I walked right there with you through your vivid description. Yes, your morning walk is many's your daddy time. Lovely memory he left you with, Mrs Sus.

    I wish I walked with my dad as well. Ah the stories he could've told me. Alas, we were never the walking kind. Now I go on afternoon walks (I could never wake up early enough in the morning!) with my mom, and it's something I look forward to after the labors of the day.



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