Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Reading a book and eating pistachios

The problem is that one cannot read a book and eat pistachios at the same time. Well, if you haven't tried it yet, please do so. When I say pistachios, I mean the pistachios with the shells. If the book is interesting, then the pistachios have to wait but if the pistachios are tempting enough to pull you away from the book then the reading has to wait. Like me, if you like both books and pistachios, then there is an existential problem between choosing what to do.

Well, let me list the odds. First, you hold the book in one hand and try to skilfully remove the pistachio nut from the shell. 99. 9% you will not succeed for you have to keep the book down and then shell the nut! What a nut one can be to do two things at the same time!

Second, if you think that you can just pop a nut into your mouth and spitting out the shell, then you might end up spitting the nut and swallowing the shell. Distasteful!

Third, if the book is interesting enough that you think Let the pistachios rest a while, chances are that the nuts will disappear faster than you complete the interesting passage in the book. Why? The person next to you will hardly be able to resist the pistachios.

Four, everyone likes pistachios better than books and one cannot eat just one.

This was exactly my situation the day before yesterday when I thought I could effectively manage eating pistachios and reading a book and mind you, the book was no breezy fiction. It was a hardcore theory one which demanded my complete concentration but me being me decided that I could handle the combo of pistachios and a book. I was proven wrong. Finally, what did I do? Well, I put the book down, polished off the nuts and then began reading but by that time the book did not interest me much and off I went to sleep. So much for pistachios!

I guess no one can serve two masters at the same time! What say, dear reader? Do you like reading? Do you like pistachios? Are you a nut trying to do two things at the same time?

Image: Internet


  1. haha i do like a bit of both...hard too making us choose like that...smiles....i can shell with my mouth, though reading might distract me a bit....i guess if i choke i can put the book down....smiles.

    1. You are a brilliant multi-tasker then. Should learn the art.

      A lovely Saturday to you :)

  2. oh i love pistachios and often have the same dilemma - you cant multitask while eating them - they demand total focus and attention!
    i love reading too :)

    1. I know and I don't like pistachios which you get without the shells! Sad.

  3. Ha, interesting! I have the same situation with sunflower seeds now and then. I like eating them when reading something online, but it's difficult to concentrate on the topic instead of the seeds. I've never tried doing this with a book, but I suppose it could work the same way if you put the book on a table. I could try and report my results!

    1. Welcome here, Dave. Glad that we are kindred spirits in experiencing similar stuff.

      Have a good weekend!

  4. LOL....I love reading and I love eating nuts. So, I have pistachios without shells.

    1. I am a nut na to try eating pistachios with shells. Ha ha.

  5. shame on you Susan...and i thought you were such a multitasker...not able to crack a few nuts and read a little tome? i thought being married gives you all the experience you need in cracking nuts and reading tough tomes...dont tell me different

    1. What to do Doktor. When it comes to eating and reading, I suck. Perhaps other women should teach me!

  6. Lol! I just love this one, Susan! I think the only way to get around shelling pistachios and reading is if you are using a Kindle. Otherwise? Hopeless!
    Thanks for this fun, humorous reflection!

    1. Kindle. Now I should try to cook up a plot to ask my husband for one. He will refuse, I'm sure!

  7. Hahaha! I can't help giggling at this post. I just stick to cashewnuts. No shells! :D

    1. Wise woman, you are. But I like pista better than cashews.

  8. ha ha..Have never tried that before...When its reading I choose something easier like roasted almonds where there is no effort involved other than popping them into your mouth :)

    1. Roasted almonds sound yum. I am craving for some now! You you.

  9. wonderful post!

    i like to eat a lot of pistachios but i'm not sure if i can read a book at the same time.
    have to try it out, i guess. lol!

    thanks for this delightful post!


    p.s. you had me with the opening paragraph. how could i not be intrigued by that?!

    1. Sometimes we end up doing funny stuff, Betty. Life is better that way.

      Thanks for coming along and hope your Saturday is unfurling well.

      Joy always :-)

  10. LOL!!!!! A breezy post I must say!! Kept me smiling all through! :)

  11. He he he right, that's why next time buy pistachios without the shells...



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