Wednesday, 15 August 2012

There is comfort in routine

When I finally got hold of a real computer (not internet on my wee but smart phone), a thousand ideas for posts came rushing in from various crevices in my mind. I had great difficulty in taming them lest they confuse me thus leaving me with no tangible post. I realised that my earlier routine was to post atleast two to three posts per week but now I have no choice but to post either once in two weeks, or sometimes even once in three weeks. The reason: I have adjusted my routine without computer or internet and so getting ready to go out to the browsing center seems a shift in the daily routine. Of course, I have the eternal tug-of-war between the mind and the body; my mind nudges me everyday to leave home and go to the browsing parlour but I conveniently ignore my mind's nudge. The mild nudge slowly becomes a powerful sounding order to which also I turn a deaf ear. It seems unbelievable to think that life was quite different three months ago.

Inspite of welcoming change and newness, there is a certain comfort in routine. I agree that the safe zone of routine becomes stifling at some point, but still routine is something that makes me feel just fine. But this routine was a change before three months  . . . perhaps there is no routine without change! But why does everyone choose to blame routine? How long does it take to make the change into a routine? I (and many others around me) crib about the same old routine but we don't realise that this routine is a result of a change that came upon us after we decided to end a routine. The routine which is now mine was unthought of before three months and at that time if anyone mentioned, How would life be without internet? I would have said, No way. But here I am sitting smug in a routine that has made me so lazy that I refuse to leave the house to do something that I most enjoy doing! Phew! As I write this, I realise that inspite of not welcoming the change, the change came and inspite of resisting the change, I have made it my comfort zone.

Well, this hide-and-seek game of change and routine lies close to each other and it does not take long to make the change into a routine. After all, humans are adaptive to anything and no matter what the change, a routine is sure to follow. Perhaps, it is wiser to introduce change before the routine sets in but how is that plausible.

So, how goes your routine? Any changes needed!?!?

Image: Internet


  1. This is an incredible coincidence, Susan. One of my latest posts was also a contemplation on routine. I guess this is what happens to bloggers who go from being frequent on the internet to being confronted with real world needs that force them into routines that leave little time for other things like blogging.

    I'm in the unenviable position of having so much to write about and no time to set it down in.

    But I am enjoying it. And here's my post! :D

    1. I read your post now, K and I must say that we do have a telepathic connection! It is high time we meet. Soon.

      Great connecting, K.

  2. I agree with you. Routine is sometime more enabling and comforting than we would think. Just now I have a routine that spells LAZY. Yes, it needs a change to a more "useful" routine!

    1. Even laziness is a routine, Yuvika if we nurture it :)

  3. Susan, when I stopped posting my devotionals daily, that was huge break in a routine I'd practiced for a year. I truly grieved the change for several weeks, but have now accepted the new routine.
    Yes, if we humans are anything, it's adaptable!
    Blessings to you!

    1. How easily we accept the change, na, Martha. There are so many wee things like this which we almost ignore if we do not pay attention.

      Thanks for stopping by dear M.

  4. Hmmm!!! And to think that i have made the same journey you did- but in reverse- my net connection is down and i am online courtesy my mobile...
    As for routines- only plants have routines because they are rooted to the same spot. We humans crave change or we go as you rightly say-its better to break our routines now and then- just to prevent going mad

    1. Inpsite of not being rooted in the same spot, I guess we have our routine and how much ever we change the routine, we only adapt to another routine instead of the older one.

  5. Great post dear Susan,a s always.;) I love routines, they make me feel safe. When I went through difficult periods in my life, I made sure my every day was perfectly structured, as carrying on with routines gave e a sense of control.;)
    Today routines are what gives me comfort of another kind - the sense of belonging and the sense of familiarity and home.;)
    I too have developed completely new routines in the past year - and it is amazing that we can get used to almost anything.;)
    Have a great weekend,

    1. In difficult time, it is only the routine which can keep us going and you're absolutely right about that Zuzana.

      I am happy for you and wish that the time of absence from your beloved comes to an end soon.

  6. first of all sorry for not visiting a couple of ur previous post.

    routine well there is indeed comfort in that , and i think the body also gets used to it , I mean sometime I drive to work and cant remember a single thing OF the way to work.

    Change is good but there comes a age where one wants to settle and now have those changes , especially in JOBS, I been working for more then a decade now and I know everyone, they know me , I am haveing a good time , why change it and start all over again..

    although with the sort of work i do I see a lot of situations which keep me going :)


    1. Bikram, I am quite honoured by your visits here and you need not be sorry for not visiting. Sometimes time always comes in the way.

      I am glad that you are happy and comfortable in your life. I wish the best.

  7. routine is a self mechanism, I think, to be able to live in spite of whatever is going on. An abused child, person, gets used to a routine of abuse. Sometimes we have to fight routine. I am not sure it's ever good.

    1. Taking abuse and hurt is NOT routine, Myriam. Those routines have to be fought against but everyday routines like having Tea after breakfast, taking an afternoon siesta is comfort.

  8. Yes, routine is good as long as we enjoy it :)

    1. Welcome WW:

      Thanks for stopping by to write a comment. And, you are right when you say "routine is good as long as we enjoy it."

  9. Susan,
    I totally agree with you. And a few underliinig points I would like to quote 'After all, humans are adaptive to anything and no matter what the change' and 'I agree that the safe zone of routine becomes stifling at some point, but still routine is something that makes me feel just fine'. Earlier I used to feel that v always need change, but these days I've also emphasised the fact that v need consistency too.

    I luv comfort but realy, it becomes a pain if not accompanied by sm sort of changes. Hope I'll soon change to get into the routine of writing posts in m blog...
    Happy writing,

    1. Sunny:

      You are a kindred spirit in many of my thoughts. Here and there, we can tweak routine a bit but the general rhythm has to be the same (for some time atleast).

  10. What a great comment you left me so I came here to check out who actually took the time to read and comment and not ask for a follow. Your post is lovely. I hope one day I can convey as much. I am now following you. ;)

    1. Welcome here, Adriana. Glad to see you here. I never ask anyone to follow me. It is left to the individual to read my posts and if interested, follow.

      You are being very humble when you say, "I hope one day I can convey as much." I am honoured that you stopped by and also follow my work. Thanks.

      Hope we continue to interact.

      Joy always :)



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