Friday, 3 August 2012

Of eating beet and still feeling hunger's heat!

I can still feel the mawkish taste of the beet that I had for lunch last week. It so happens that if I tend to eat anything that I don't much like, the hunger never seems to be satisfied. I don't know whether it actually happens or it is the dissatisfied state of my mind which negates the feeling of having eaten a meal.

Last week, I had three dry (oil-free) chapattis and beet curry. I must mention that beet, however prepared, does not excite me the least bit. I cannot manage to eat it, for its sweetish taste has never been compatible with my idea of curry. Even carrot and peas fall into this category. But carrot I can manage and peas - I never even try.

Coming back to the subject of beets -- Inspite of having the usual fare of three chapattis, I still felt as if lunch was incomplete. Surprisingly, I went forth and made two dosas which I happily consumed with a smile and a tune in my head. As the process of giving in to my taste-buds was in progress, I could not understand the whole game of my hunger not being appeased. Was it my feelings rather than my body's signals, I can't understand. Even if I had listened to my feelings, how come I was able to gobble up the extra two dosas which was a foreign practice that day. Maybe the dieticians are right when they say that craving is a false signal let out by the body. But I didn't crave for dosas on that afternoon!

Well, I rest my arguments here by crowing the beet as the vegetable that is solely to blame for all this furore. Nevertheless, the beet gave me a whacky post!

What are your hunger stories? Do you like beet?

Image 1: Internet
Image 2: Internet


  1. Ugh! I hate beet from the bottom of my stomach! Yuck yuck yuck. My mum keeps telling me it's supposed to be help with blood-forming in the body and that it's a healthier relative of the potato. But I'll take my iron supplements and potato curry any day over the horrid hated beetroot. Yucky yuck!

    1. Apologies for stereotyping but I thought that Docs always ate everything. Coming from a doc, the dislike of beets seem validated! Wohooo. And my mom is just like yours!

    2. No, there you're mistaken! We tell everyone to eat everything and we claim to eat everything, too. But some of us, meaning me, are very very fussy eaters! :D Imagine my mom's plight! :)

    3. Hmmmmm. Now I realise that even docs are humans who have dislikes when it comes to 'healthy food.' Thanks for enlightening me, K.

  2. I love beets. But I know what you mean about eating something I don't like, then feeling like I haven't eaten.

    Hope all your meals are healthy and delectable. Take care Susan.

    1. How do you eat them, Myrna. You must be like my mom who also likes beets.

      May your wish for me come true at every point in my life.

  3. I've never encountered a similar feeling of hunger from eating a particular food, but I do get cravings for certain things. I've learned over the years to satisfy that craving because it means my body needs whatever nutrients are in it.
    Interesting post! :)

    1. Aww, Martha, you are one of those people who eat and live healthy. Blessed soul, you are!


    WAIT a minute--I thought you said BEEF--grin!

    Love and PEACE, dear Susan Deborah.......

    1. Steve, a slip in one letter means a lot and I LIKE beef as well. Now, you've got me craving for beef!

  5. That was in time!
    I just love the taste and color of Beet.Just yesterday,I had bought in my fresh supply.

    While I was a medical student,there was this Indian Coffee House just on the other side of our ER and was a regular for medical students.They would add beet in the masala of Dosa which made it unique. I never had that kind of masala dosa anywhere else.

    Simply saute it in a liitle oil and add to youghurt.That is my simplest recipe!

    1. Doctor, when it comes to the deep red tinge, nothing can beat the beet. I like the vegetable for its colour but then it stops with that.

      Even now in Indian Coffee house at Trivandrum, masala dosa has the same filling, which I don't much like.

      The yoghurt beet is tolerable but not something I would prefer over say, ladies finger or cluster beans.

  6. There are very few foods I won't eat after the first try, beets is one of them. I despise beets.
    Here is the thing with hunger for me, if I get an idea stuck in my head, say I want a gyro and I drive to a place to have it and it is not what I was looking for, I will remain unsatisfied and...yes, hungry

    1. Kindred souls unite!!! "Despise" is a very apt word for my dislike of beets.

      Yes, yes . . . the idea thing works for me as well. In fact, I am planning a post on that.

  7. I am one of those creatures who loves food that have a wierd mix of sweet and salt tastes like Kashmiri Pulao and Navratna Korma....So yes, I love beet and carrots too :D Nice post!

    1. Even I can manage mix of tastes but beet!!! Naaaahhhh.

      The sweet of K. pulao and N. Korma is manageable but beets, no way.

  8. hmmm!!! vegetables..they are for those lower down the evolutionary scale..why should i eat them? i am on top of the food chain..i eat those who eat vegetables

  9. Yuck! I hate beet. I never buy beet! As for carrot as a vegetable I just don't like it either, except when you add it to Chinese fired rice or noodles.I am miserable if I have to eat these two vegetables for a meal and like you said I crave for something more to satisfy my taste buds.

    1. Another similar soul who despises beets. Your food preferences seem very similar to mine. we should meet for lunch or dinner if the Universe permits.

  10. Hmmmm...I wouldn't know. I'm hungry regardless ;)
    Just kidding - but I do have phases where I'm hungry for a particular food.

  11. Hi Susan...I enjoy beets in a cold summer salad. I have had a recent feeling about fish sauce...something that seems to be added to all Vietnamese dishes and is slowly starting to drive me crazy. My goal is to find recipes without it....wish me luck!
    Best wishes for a Happy Weekend...

    Jeanne xx

    1. I wish you adapt to the tastes and sounds of Vietnam. Looking forward to posts on that city.

      Thanks for stopping by dear Jeanne. Hope you are settling in well.

  12. I don't like beet in any curry. But my mother makes pickle with it. Really delicious.

    1. Only something that takes the sweet flavour of beets can make them edible. Time and spices, i guess will lessen the sweet of beet.

  13. I don't like beet in any curry. But my mother makes pickle with it. Really delicious.

  14. I loveeee beet Susan! We eat it in salads and even in soup. I grew up with it so I will never say no to some beet. Have a great weekend!

    1. Hmmmmm. Glad that you like them.

      Thanks for coming by dear Nelieta. Been long.

  15. Funny that the dietitians advice not to have beetroot and banana for those who want to loose weight.
    Now these are the two things I like, so I ignore the dietitian.

  16. Dear Susan, this post made me laugh.;) I am not sure I have actually ever eaten a raw beat, we usually buy them pickled here, as an addition to various dishes. Never been a great fan of its taste, but i will eat it if offered.
    I think I will eat anything and I have a great appetite as well.;) I guess what is fun with me, is that I eat unbelievably fast. Really, but I mean FAST. I have always eaten this way, in fact when I was in my late twenties, I was skinny as a stick and when I went to official dinners with various scientist from work, my boss always had a great laugh every time, watching all these dignified men staring at my plate and measuring me from my head to my toes, wondering where it all went, when they have not even started on their dinner and i was done.;) This became almost always the subject of the conversation at the table.;)
    Today my husband still proudly takes me to friends dinners and I eat faster then him almost at all times, even though he is a professional soldier.;)
    Hope you have been well and were not too affected by your recent huge power outage.
    Have a nice weekend,

    1. I have always a zen like picture of you in my mind, Zuzana. So it is very difficult to imagine you eating so very fast. But why do you eat so fast? To be honest, even I eat fast but I reckon you are faster than me. Ha ha.

      Hope you are well and joyous.


  17. Ha, we are so alike... I can never understand how carrot and beetroot can be mixed with other spices and coconut to make a poriyal. I physically hate these dishes, especially the beans and carrot poriyal, cannot stand the sweet taste of the carrots and the veggy taste of the beans, it throws me off. I am of the opinion that carrots and beetroot should be eaten raw or with yogurt. Peas on the other hand, I use them only in peas curry or pulao.



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