Sunday, 28 August 2011

Squeezing the creative juices but forgetting the filter

Writing blog posts has somehow become quite addictive. I see it as a means to squeeze my mind and force the thoughts to spill over as posts. But I come to realize that this exercise sometimes takes a toll on me. I find myself questioning the minutest things so that I come up with a curious post. There are days when the post presents itself to me that I cannot but sit and have to record them down. But sometimes these posts don’t arrive and knock at my door. On days when the posts don’t arrive, I am left with an urge to write but cannot do so as I find nothing interesting to me. On days like that, I am left staring at almost every plausible thing and wondering if ‘this’ could be the victim for my post.

Many writing gurus always remark, “Write something every day.” But what does one do when one cannot write anything. It is during those dry spells that I try to squeeze and extract the remains from something which has already been squeezed dry. Since there is nothing much to squeeze, the filter is discarded. As a result of the discarded filter, the posts don’t seem satisfying. 

Blogging saved me from a terrible patch in life (when I started out) and I’m glad that it is a worthwhile addiction but I also cannot disagree that everything has to be prioritized. Well, well, don’t get ideas that I’m taking a break or quitting blogging. This is a frank declaration of a passionate blogger.

Or perhaps, I forgot the filter when I wrote this post :)

What say?

Image: Internet


  1. I understand completely. Some days for me there is so much to think about that I am overwhelmed with a weeks worth of posts, other times naught. I'm sure you will continue to write and inspire. I smiled through this one. Thank you!

  2. Everyday writing is really difficult as one gets out of ideas.

  3. Well said! I too feel the same. Sometimes for weeks altogether, there is just no time. When I sit down to blog, it is totally different from any other activity. It is 'me time' and I pour my heart and soul into it. So, I blog when I am relaxed and at peace. If not, I avoid blogging because I won't be giving it my 100%.

  4. Dear Susan, I certainly recognize these sentiments and so does (I dare to say) everyone that writes.;)
    I do feel that at times I have so much to write about as my life is going through a process where there are many impressions and alteration. It feels really nice to document it online, as a sort of diary in words and images and is a wonderful release - no matter whether these impressions are good or bad. And then there are times when I simply do not feel like anything is an inspiration and writing becomes a burden, not a joy. Luckily these times are far and between.;)
    Loved this post as it is candid and from the heart - and may I say you have a lot to say despite you claiming not to.;)
    Have a great Sunday,

  5. i am in the write every day clan...or at least 6 out of 7...its like exercise...i do think you need occassional breaks though to refill the inspiration...people around me and life experience...

  6. Hello Susan:

    I say, a bit of pulp in the juice makes for a healthier and more nutriouis drink? Drink up and enjoy. Ponder on that, if you so please.

    Kind regards,

  7. This is a nice post. Initially, when I started blogging, I felt I had a block after just two blogs. Now its a addiction.

  8. Well,it takes a lot of passion to write everyday.But I'm sure you could always think something interesting to write about. A breather... a change of experiences could also help refresh the mind.

    I liked your post. It's concise and yet it directly hits the point ;)

    Thanks :) You gave me something to think about.

  9. We all understand this post ..all to well !!!! I do it three times a week and it can be work lol... I think this was a great post filter on or off!!!!!

  10. I love the photo Susan! Yes I think I can also relate to this post. Some nights I would be in bed and a post that I have been formulating for days would play out in my mind. That is so frustrating. That normally happens when I am running low on creative juices :( Great post!

  11. Hi Susan .. I have way too much I want to talk about .. that's my trouble!

    Writing everyday is fantastic .. but commenting on blogs each time is something I can't do.

    It's a definite passion for me too .. love it .. and what it offers ..

    Cheers have a good week ahead .. Hilary

  12. Susan,
    Is this my first comment on your blog after having followed it for quite sometime:-) I'm the silent reader and lazy commentator category.
    I've tried to renew my blog but I can't keep at it regularly - so I appreciate how folks like you churn out the simplest but thoughtful posts:-) Makes me think and want to write but work and laziness takes over:-)
    Keep you creative juices flowing - it makes me refresh my reader more often:-)

  13. It's not easy to post every day but I think there's good reason for that, especially when you write from the heart. When you leave a piece of yourself on the "page," so to speak, you need time to recover. Also, in order to have something to write about, you have to have real-life experiences. At least that's the way it is for me. Breaks in between leave time to recharge. Also, many times thinking about writing is part of my process.

  14. I thought that I was a writer but after a couple of months of blogging, I froze. My brain stopped thinking and I was left with an emptiness which nobody could fill. Now I know that the ideas come when they feel like and I go about doing my thing until then.Your posts are very interesting, thanks.

  15. Just know so well what you mean. I applaud anyone who can write an interesting post daily.

  16. I hate the dry spell when the words don't come..and the more I try to force it the worse the post reads and I end up with a blank page..frustrating...those are the days when I just wanna quit..walk away..shut it all down..but there was a purpose to my writing ..and that purpose I wait and wait...and then waaa laaaa I am back ......As always...XOXOXOXO

  17. It is easy for me, most times, to write about everyday accounts, but I don't. I'm always so afraid that I am going to overwhelm my readers. Not to mention...that everyone else usually has enough drama in their lives I don't need to add much more :)

  18. person like me is finding it difficult even to comment on the blogs and what can I say about this?. In case if you forget just remember that people are following your blogs which would nourish enough your thoughts...

  19. Blogging is an addiction,I need to be with all the bloggers,but I can't think of blogging everyday,at times not even for has been my saviour too...I would have lost my mind completely if it had not been for blogging.

  20. I loved this candid post, Susan.

    There are times when topics come naturally to me and then there are days when I think I should start writing and I end up questioning myself if it's "really upto the mark" (whatever that means)!
    But I guess the best of writing comes without the conscious censoring filter - what do u think?

  21. Enjoy blogging. That's what it is there for. No rules, no firm schedule. Write when you want to, and don't feel guilty when you don't.

  22. My problem is pictures, not so much subjects. I like to put some pictures in my post, but I don't always have them or have the time to go get them with my little camera.

    Anyway, unless you write in diary format which requires everyday recording of things, once a week or once a month is OK. In this way you can find the time to read other people's blogs and also leave comments.

  23. GOOD post, Susan Deborah! I wrote one just an hour ago...truthful words just spilled out as if in conversation!

    HOWEVER! For three days, I pondered, trying to conjure something of interest to me or anybody...NOTHING happened.

    Everything is at it is, I guess.


  24. Great post Susan! I can definitely relate. There are times when it seems like my blog posts write themselves and those are my favorite times! And then others when a day..or two..goes by and I feel like writing but I'm just not sure to write about. In my edit section I have several unfinished blog they were ideas that were decent, but just never bore much fruit. I guess, overall, they still give me some practice. It can be hard "squeezing" a post sometimes out! ANd I find sometimes if I just wait a few hours or even another day that's when the thoughts I've been ruminating over really bear incredible fruit and I'm given fresh ideas that sqeeze themselves out ;)
    Great cartoon btw! :)

  25. i hear you! just got back from a break and that helped a lot. Great post Susan!
    take care!

  26. I, too, blogged myself after a rough patch. And I personally go through periods of inspired thought to that unsatisfying writing. I guess I attempt to embrace both but find it difficult to do so when I fear that my readers will leave me :(

  27. Thank you so much for visiting my blog, Susan. Very good to see you. You have a lovely blog here, I shall be back soon!


  28. Oh, and since you mentioned it - thought you might be interested to know about the title of my blog. I was once given a book of poetry called Dreaming in Metaphors by an ex-boyfriend. And that's where I lifted it from :-)

  29. I hear you Susan Deborah! I got through times when I just don't even feel like writing and other times where I have so much to say I can barely get it all out! :) I always enjoy your blog and must say again how glad I am to have found it! You are an inspiration, whether you write each day or not.:)

  30. Sometimes I just let the pulp settle till it turns to mulch and then voila it gives birth to a new post... Mind you it takes a while before it becomes nutritious....

  31. Writing everyday takes patience and creativity... sometimes you just can't be bothered to churn out good stuff and sometimes in a flash of insight thoughts start pouring out. Whatever it is, I'm glad whenever I write... I've also come to realise that my sanity is directly proportional to the entries I jot down in my diary. All the rants, frustrations and curses will be found there :D along with all the spellbinding moments too.

  32. Dear Susan, I think you probably know how I feel about the whole matter of "prioritizing." And dry spells do happen to everyone. I also feel that we always know just what is best for us and exactly when, and we follow our gut. I have found that the best way (for me personally) to avoid burnout from any activity is to not overdo it. Even those things we enjoy doing can become routine if we create a so-called schedule for them and make them part of our daily living. But then... those are just my thoughts and my experiences. We all do things a little differently.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend to come,

  33. You're naturally metacognitive, Mrs. Sus. And highly intelligent and observant. With all those qualities, I don't think you'll hit a snag for very long. Ink, it seems, runs through your veins. :)

  34. You have not forgotten the filter for sure for this post! I could so so relate to the post... there are those dry spells...which you do not want...but invariably happens!

  35. I've had a month long of dry spells. Or perhaps it is just my kids that have kept me busy. We shall see, they start school next week.

  36. well said.
    another wonderful post, dear susan!
    i hear you.
    yet i just know what you mean, dear susan.

    what do i prefer?
    quality over quantity.

    i try not to can't do everything after all!
    thanks for your always inspiring and profound posts. you're very gifted!

    betty xx

  37. Dear Susan:
    I asked you a question in my blog and you just answered it here. Talk about sychronicity!

    Like Zuzana says, we all experience the same. I look at everything like you say thinking hmmm could this be a post?

    You always have something interesting to say. Honestly. I have never read a boring post on your blog

  38. Jan:

    Glad that you understand. Thanks for the smiles and joy.



  39. Swapna:

    Sometimes its 'me' time for me and sometimes 'post' times. Ha Ha


    Candid posts are always the ones that receive the most comments. People know . . .

  40. Brian:

    I always admire your skill in posting regularly and getting so many comments. Bravo. Applause.


    Feeling nourished already. Thanks Mike.

  41. Janu:

    Welcome here. Love to have new people. Sometimes when one is addicted, the non-posting days are terrible.


    Passion, energy and fine-tuned observation. Glad that you could take something back from here.

  42. JIM:

    We all do, so well. Thanks for your words of appreciation, Jim. Glad to see you here.


    The photo is cool, I liked it at the first sight.

  43. Hilary:

    God bless your mind. Have a great remainder of the week, Hilary.


    You have commented thrice before, if I'm not wrong. All of us have our lazy and proactive spells and so I don't blame you for being a silent follower. I am a silent follower too on many blogs.
    Whatever, glad to see you after a long time ( actually read a comment!).

  44. Adriene:

    Glad to see you. Welcome here. Breaks in between are quite mandatory for everyone, i reckon.

    Hope to see more of you.


    Thanks for coming by and your comment left me warm in the insides. Thanks.

  45. Elizabeth:

    Same here.


    When you are back, we feel joy and happiness. So, NEVER GO AWAY, Bongo.

  46. Anna:

    Welcome here. Glad to read your insight. Readers read if they want to otherwise they keep it for another day via Google reader.


    I can understand your condition. And, my readers are my greatest motivators and nourishers. Thanks for stopping by, Sethu.

  47. Alpana:

    I can relate to what you are saying. Hope the beginning of a new year is filled with warmth and happiness.


    Sometimes the censors help albeit in a different way.

  48. Larry:

    Part of the enjoyment is also the addiction.


    Well-said, DUTA.

  49. Steve:

    Sometimes dry spells make me a wee bit bugged. And I try to wade them off by reading others' blogs.

    Jessica M:

    One has to wait like a birdwatcher to sight the posts.
    I liked the cartoon at the first sight.

  50. Hope:

    Glad to see you after a break. Hope you've been well and happy.


    Long time, eh. Readers are the fodder and I cannot do without their fuelling.

  51. Ash:

    Welcome here and thanks for returning the visit. your blog is a lovley place to hang around and admire and drool over lovely snippets of life in the form of pictures. The title is just beautiful :)

    Have a great remainder of the week, Ash.


    Thanks for the kind words. I am glad that I found you and your blog as well. The joy is mutual.

  52. Savira:

    Mulch!!! yes, yes. Sometimes it is rather healthier than we assumed.


    I like the calculation that you have made.

  53. Ayman:



    How nice to see you here after a long time, Nevine. I perfectly understand your prioritising. Reading your comment gives me immense joy. Thanks for coming by, dear Nevine.

  54. Age:


    Amen to that sentence.


    Do you think so?

  55. Angie:

    Great to see you. All the best for their school and to you as well.


    I see you here after a long time and I must say that I did miss reading your warm words.

  56. Myriam:

    Thanks for the warm words, Myriam. Hope I live up to them.


    Welcome and thanks for stopping by. gald that you liked the post.

  57. First of all, I must say I almost died of laughter at that cartoon! That was quite hilarious!! Secondly, I must say I really admire your ability to always find something to write about, and that your writing really does transcend cultures and countries...for me, there are days when I cannot think what to write about

  58. The cartoon is absolutely hilarious and I liked it at the first instance. Thanks for the kind words of appreciation, OtienoHongo. Glad to see you after a long time.

    Have a good remainder of the week :)

  59. Write something every day?
    No..... I think there should be breathing space inbetween.
    Like that cartoon :-)

  60. Hey Joe, glad to see you today. I completely agree with you :)



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