Saturday, 28 January 2017

Towards a cleaner, healthier and organic 2017

For quite some time, my family and I have embarked on the journey towards eliminating chemicals from our everyday life. Slowly yet steadily we are trying, exploring - one product at a time. Most of my time is spent checking out various sites which deal with selling chemical-free and natural products. I have come to realise that a drastic change as this requires a lot of groundwork and research. In spite of our interest and research, there are many products which I cannot rid of - lipsticks, perfumes and other such. I did find cosmetics which claim to be 'natural' but I am not quite satisfied with the results. Someone suggested that I stop wearing lipsticks and I have also been contemplating on this but still to arrive at a decision - So far, I'm happy to let my lips soak the chemicals.

In my early stages of research the website Mindbodygreen was helpful to me in many ways to simplify things, eat mindfully and practice some lovely affirmations. Though these days, I only visit MBG occasionally, I remember the wonderful lessons I had learnt from there. I guess I had taken all that I have needed and moved on.

One big step which we as a family decided to take was in the section of food - trying to consume foodstuff that were local and nutritious. I must admit that Broccoli, Strawberries and the like are also consumed by us and they are definitely not local but healthy. Another product which I have added to my daily cooking is using Virgin coconut oil. Earlier I was under the impression that using coconut oil for cooking would increase the cholesterol levels but discussing with nutritionists and reading literature on this topic helped me abate my doubts. But I had to look hard to procure pure coconut oil. It was then that my blogger pal, Vishnu Vardhan started his venture named Indian Super Heroes, based in Coimbatore, committed to providing authentic Indian organic stuff to people in search of the same. The concept of ISH is something that is simple and revolutionary - working with local people to source, grow and provide organic products to people, markets and society. Small scale ventures have always caught my interest and attention because they deal directly with the farmers without the interference of middle-men and commissions. And, the products are made with utmost care and love unlike the large-scale machines which are quite impersonal and stiff. And another reason for us to go organic is trying to support local and native products.

My first purchase with ISH 500 ml of coconut oil and a peppermint soap and I am excited now as I write this because many more products have been introduced by Vishnu Vardhan and his efficient women team. The soap does not dry the skin like the other famous soaps like Lux, Dove, Santoor and so on. It has a mild fragrance and a soothing effect on the skin. I have also previously used only handmade soaps procured from different sources and glad to now find it in ISH.

I am also looking to procure traditional and local items like millets, organic turmeric, wild honey and a wide range of products. There was a time I used to order items from ten different places and await their arrival but now after ISH, I guess I could order items from the same place. The website is still in its nascent stage but Vishnu tells me that it will soon be fortified.

If interested, you could procure products from Indian Super Heroes here:

Website: &
Facebook Page:

The Focus Areas of ISH

I would like to know if you have been going organic and chemical-free too. If yes, what are some simple changes that you have made in your home and life-style?


  1. Nothing like a healthy lifestyle. Best wishes!

    1. Dear Blogoratti:

      How nice to see you here. Hope you've been well and happy. Thanks for the kind wishes. I hope we will be able to sustain this lifestyle.

      Joy always,

  2. Nice! Lotus and Chambor are cruelty free cosmetics, not condoning the chemical aspects tho. A few other eco friendly or products with less carbon footprints that I had opted last year were soap nuts, menstrual cups, modern cloth diapers for my child, carpooling or public transport, lots of preloved books, wrt food - alternative sources for calcium than milk and organic veggies. The choices have made me 'konjam' happy and hope to continue them forward!

    1. Hi Karpagam:

      Lotus and Chambor still have dozens of chemicals in them. I am curious about the menstrual cup - What are they and are they easy to use?
      One step at a time - I guess and even if we are not able to make it 100% at least we can progress towards becoming organic and local.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  3. It is the general trend now to buy organic, free of chemicals food, and it's a good trend. However, it suits small families mainly, the bigger ones can't afford it. Mind you that it was because of the larger families that engineering of food products started in the first place. Without the big quantities of the engineering process, there would have been famine in many parts of the world.

    Anyway, hope it becomes affordable to all people on the planet. Enjoy your organic, healthy lifestyle!

    1. The trend is growing because of the various imbalances in our general lifestyle - earlier people use to do hardcore physical labour and eat accordingly but today majority of people consume more than they should and also lead sedentary lifestyles.
      And to think that we are eating food which is not our own is another cause for alarm.
      You are also making a point here and yes the need for preserving food for a longer period and feeding many became a norm after the Industrial Revolution.
      Even I hope that food becomes affordable and accessible. Thanks for the good wishes, DUTA.

      Joy always,

  4. I think about choosing healthy living often...I have done enough of that thinking now I would say I am an expert at the thinking part. Still an infant in the acting out part. I will think some more on it now that i have read your post...Pray

    1. Dear GQ:

      How lovely to see you stop by after a long time. It's high time we start.
      Prayers always.

      Joy always,



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