Saturday, 31 January 2015

The joy of escaping

I have always known that reading is cathartic but only recently woke up to the fact that reading makes me come alive and that it can save me from the drudgery of everyday routine. When I escape to my College Library and pick up some random book and lose myself, I realise that I am happy, safe and sane. Reality as this is sometimes mind-boggling as you never realise how much you need reading and how much the written word penetrates within your being. Losing oneself in words is an escape - an escape into the void of no return. When you then return to reality after that escape, you realise that things are no longer the same. You carry that bit of voyeurism that you chanced upon in that escape and you personalise it - almost like how people monogram their initials on that worthless piece of handkerchief. You know the lust and joys of that place where you escaped to and it is your secret - unless you choose to allow someone to partake of that guilty pleasure. Even then, you retain parts of it to yourself. You want certain bits to your self you see!

I recently read chanced upon a back issue of World Literature Today and relished the piece, Le Suicide Monsieur M. The piece moved me - I discovered the power and magic of the written  printed word. I was charmed. Smitten. Aroused and what not. The entire piece was written in the form of a letter by a city. I assumed all the while that the letter was written by an admirer who had lust confused for love. Well, it could have been written by anyone but this was by Iowa city. Pretty neat for a city!

I wonder if you have tried reading something when you have tons of backlog - It is like forbidden pleasure - you experience longing and guilt (guilt because you should be working on something else and longing for the words which you have been ignoring for long!) Reading is like the surrogate lover who has the power to seduce you anytime and any given day. No fixed bearings and no passage of time can wane the seduction. I succumb and forgo reality. I prostrate myself and forget etiquette or morality. I drink on that word and lose my morale. I am addicted.

Reading makes me sane.


  1. A mighty tree springs from a seed
    This is what happens when you read
    For the soul and the mind it is the best feed
    A gluttony none can call greed.

    Sus, great post as always. :)

  2. Wow Susan, here I realize that I am addicted to reading your new posts and, as u said, it brings me feelings of guilt because I too have backlogs.:)

    Yes, reading brings joy and happiness to me. Nice work Susan!
    Happy writing.

  3. Reading is bliss and sensual pleasure. Agree:) Have a good day, Susan.

  4. I do feel from the situation that i am in , that people who get the time to read are really lucky.. as i just cant get that time I plan i think I want but never manage to do it .. maybe something wong with me


  5. Spoken as only a avid reader and lover of books can! I share that with you, Susan. :) Blessings!

  6. Aaah reading yes...and that's why more than my own economics...I pass off to be a botanist sometimes and as a avid traveler who has known the world other times. Hahaha. But seriously Susan this addiction sometimes sees my curries getting the onions more than browned when I get carried away reading what was on that old newspaper which I had just spread to keep the hob area clean while cooking the greens.
    Hey...I know u must be busy with ur teaching, writing...and all that u do but do visit me sometimes Susannah...
    Yeah I know there r there whose posts are more appealing...are winners but once in a while a simple boring stuff won't kill you. Or does it??? Really !!!
    Hahahaha...anyways I love to wait...

  7. Shhhh...i rremember feeling like that once!!!

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