Friday, 19 April 2013

When the statistics speak . . . You ought to listen!

I like to check out the statistics of my blog. Well, who doesn't. I enjoy seeing the countries from where people read my blog and imagine how they would respond reading something that I had liked to write. Well, off late I have been observing at the posts that get the maximum hits overall and the top three posts were:

1. Forgiving and Forgetting . . . I could add a clause there

2. Working hard to reverse stereotypes

3. Good stereotypes and Bad stereotypes

Now, I assume that if people land on my blog searching the keywords forgive and forget, then that means there are many people who seek for forgiveness and try to search means and ways to overcome the feeling of hatred and anger in order to forgive and forget. I admit that forgiving and forgetting are two difficult aspects and they are better said than done. One can lecture to people on forgiving and forgetting but it is something that is quite hard to practice especially if we've been let down by people who are very close to us.

The second and third most popular posts are those on stereotypes - One just has to observe oneself and lo behold, we would find that there is at least one thing that we base on stereotypes be it the fair and lovely or the slim and beautiful or the dark and poor - Well, I'm just thinking aloud. Can we say that we are completely sanitised of stereotyping? I don't think so. I guess that out of sheer desperation and wanting to find some solace that one is not alone in these afore-mentioned traits, people seek out search engines and somehow land at my blog using these keywords. I just wonder what they think after they read the post.

Well, I have found many wonderful sites by typing some random keywords and till date some of those bloggers are my friends. There are many who land up but don't leave any comments. I don't think that many will but I'm sure that they left in peace or at least a with a chuckle.

What do your statistics convey? Care to share, dear readers?

Image 1: Internet
Images 2 & 3: VV Vinod Photography


  1. Replies
    1. Hello friend. Happy to see you here. Hope all is well on your part of the world.

  2. I am not looking at the stats of my personal blog anymore. Not much, I mean! I guess, after reading your forgive and forget post, and looking at your name, people might think that you are next in line for Vatican? :)

    Destination Infinity

    1. Vatican? Well, I just hope they think of me as someone sane.

  3. Do forgiving and forgetting always go together?

    I used to be obsessed about my blog stats, and like you, I love looking at my flag counter. :) But I got over it when I realized my blog will never be popular. :)

    1. Your blog is quite popular and you are so very humble to admit the same.

  4. I have found that not blogging produces few statistics. I would say keep at it but who am I to talk :-o

    1. All of us are free to talk. And please do talk to your heart's content.

  5. The people who visit your blog space
    Do they have a face
    for most go without leaving a trace
    I only wish that they had the grace
    to express opinion about your post you thought was a ace
    or should at least put you in your place.

    I wonder what the people who read think about the written word. Do they come looking for something and go back disappointed or do they go back thinking they should come back?

    1. Even I wonder the same, Govind. Hope you are doing well and happy. Nice to read your comment in verse.

  6. Oh so you look for statistics !! but there are instances where you dont give a damn about the comments or presence of your readers atleast few .. And then you will put up a post saying you dont like certain comments or some visits which according to you is not a sincere follower of your blog!!
    well good post indeed though contradictory !

    1. Tara, I hear you when you say that. I can even imagine your expression.

      And after all humans are a bunch of contradictions. What I say today might not hold good tomorrow. Not quite predictable, are we?

      happy to see you here - and that will remain the same today and tomorrow.

  7. I also like to look at my statistics and what people type into search engines to find my articles. One popular phrase people have typed again and again, " questions children ask about God" which leads them to my article "When Children ask Difficult Questions about God". Another popular article that gets hit via search engines is, " Praying for your Child's Bully". I also get quite a few hits on the quotes pages that I have-particularly the Dalai Lama, Alan Watts and Eknath Easwaran ones.

    1. Looks quite interesting, Jessica. Your blog has become a spiritual pathway. Super.

  8. Haven't analyzed them much, Susan but sure was interesting to read yours!

  9. "In God we blindly trust, for everything else, we need data!"

    I somehow get a lotta links from porn sites....I never cud figure out why...



    1. Ah, that doesn't surprise me at all. And, you can't figure that is simply awesomatico.

  10. Sometimes its interesting to see the minute details. While doing so, figures transform to real people and don't remain just statistics.



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