Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Writing a love letter to me

Many times I find myself saying to myself things such as, "Come on don't feel low, things are going to be alright." Talking to myself has somehow become the usual for me. And, come to think of it, many of us find succor and comfort with ourselves. Extending that idea, I thought I would write a love letter to myself. So, here it goes:

My Dearest Susan:

It feels quite strange to be writing a letter to you. What will I say to you? You know almost everything about me. You know my patterns, routines, likes and dislikes but still I find there are some minute things that you miss in the hurried pace of reflections. Isn't it strange that reflections have become hurried these days? Well, sometimes I think you should slow down. You romanticise slowing down but I find that you hurry through everything. So much so, you even think about slowing down while you are actually hurrying. But why are you hurrying? Why so much impatience? You cannot try to fast forward everything. Please do tarry awhile.

I know that there are many thoughts that are niggling your mind but you still try to be optimistic. You are worried about many things. I'm glad that your optimism always keeps you going. Susan, never let that tiny hope die. Yesterday you were quite perturbed and I could sense that. You wouldn't tell anyone about your thoughts and you were mechanically going through the various chores of the house. This brings me to another point: work. Sometimes work enables the sorrow of the heart to be forgotten, so keep working. Have you noticed that when you sit in the same place and keep wallowing in your pain, the pain grows manifold? So, keep going.

Susan, I thought I was writing a love letter but what is this I'm writing. You know about all these things I'm talking, then why am I writing all these to you. Well, it's the flow of thoughts, I guess. When someone is in love with someone, feelings of care, nurture and thoughtfulness are bound to make an appearance.

Sometimes I see you jealous - mild forms of jealousy creep up to your bosom especially when it comes to your profession. You wonder about substandard people who have got the jobs of their dreams. You loathe them. You can't help but sneer at them. Don't do that. Just leave them alone. Your time will come. Again, let me say, don't hurry. Let life take its pace.

Among the many things that cloud your mind, blogging is also one. You are wondering about the 1st of March and how things will turn out to be. Well, you shouldn't be worrying about all that. Everything will go on. Sometimes you question the passive process of letting be. Remember that it is not a passive process. Just because you are not active (read fretting and fuming), you cannot think you are passive. Just as white cannot be the opposite of black, not hurrying does not mean that one is passive.

Susan, never stop smiling and loving. These two will always sustain and refresh you. Remember, no matter what, I will always love you.

Sealed with love and kisses,

P. S: If you liked this idea, you could attempt one in your blog as well.

Image: Internet


  1. Aww Susan... I felt like you were talking to me in this post. Beautiful honesty. You made me realize a lot of things...

  2. An inspiration, Susan Deborah! You have me thinking, how do I unload this or that bad habit? What must I do to rid myself of my denial of reality? Well, If I come to really 'know' my failing--which in is truly knowing myself--it allows that particular nagging problem to go away. What is left is the opposite, clear thinking, and a smoother road to good/better behavior.

    It sounds so easy, when I say that to myself...but it is only simple--not easy!

    SO THERE! THAT'S what you've done to/for me this morning.

    Thanks a LOT! Pffft.

    BTW, I wish to add one line to your post above. In the closing, write "Joy always"...........hmmmm!
    Love, Susan
    and PEACE!

    1. Joy always!!! Wishing you joy and more joy, dear Steve.

  3. I love this idea Susan! I loved your letter to yourself. xo

  4. I loved this letter...I too talk to myself and can identify with the 'hurrying' part. These days I am doing nothing, yet, having ample of time at my disposal I am not able to concentrate, and jittery all the time.

  5. blessss :) lovely letter to self , I dont think i can say all these good things about myself thats why I dont write to myself and no one else does too :) he he he he

    and yes never stop smiling , when you smile the world smiles with you .. I loved the idea but as i said I am not good in this ..


    1. Good things!?!? Along with the good things also come many reprimands.

    2. yeah they do but then at least you know what they are .. some people dont even know

  6. May be I am also Susan and thats why it hit on me hard. thanks for this beautiful piece of encouragement. I know you will not take my comment at the first sight as you had mentioned in your earlier post .. but still this was a real good one.

    1. Yes, maybe you are Susan as well. There are many traits that all of us will share invariably. We are all quite same and yet different. Thanks for your lovely comment, dear Tara. Maybe you should try one letter youself.

  7. Lots and lots of love and hugs to you Susan,I have been down in the dumps for a long time,and reading this has really inspired me,I will do this also,and I know it will help me.

  8. Susan, Your love letter to Susan is so beautiful and creative. :) Love the idea and the outcome, keep smiling.

    1. Smiles. Thanks for your words of appreciation, dear Sulekkha.

  9. Yes, Susan, you could have been writing this to me as well. Just recently, I've realized I need to curb my "hurry up" mentality which really was getting me nowhere but anxious. Still working on it! :)
    Your letter is an inspiration!

    1. Blessing back at you, dear Martha. The hurrying part disturbs me. I need to slow down.

  10. Susan, I so much admire your honesty, your willingness to expose your beautiful humanity. Thank you for this. I like you writing prompt. I may do it, not sure if I'll post it, but I do think it's a really worthwhile exercise.

    Take care lovely Susan. And I agree with your advice to yourself - your time will come. But for now enjoy what is.

    1. Thanks Myrna. Sometimes, all I want is to write without thinking of anything.

      Yes, time will come. I'm waiting.

  11. Absolutely loved it, Sus. And although you were writing to yourself, I took home quite a few lessons for me. Love you loads.

    1. I read your letter as well which was written some time ago. It's uncanny how similar we think. Cheers to us :)

  12. i def like the concept of writing a love letter to ourselves...a tangible reminder of things we need to be telling ourselves any way...

    1. Quite right. It's a tangible remainder of things that have to set right in me.

  13. A letter to yourself, how original!

    I like the little red heart in the envelope suggesting love for the recipient of the letter . Yes, we should first learn to love ourselves; this will help us love others.

    The letter is in favor of patience, work, lack of jealosy, smiling, love. That's all good advice worthy to be practiced by everyone.

    1. Yes, DUTA, it is in favour of many things that has to be repaired in me. Loving myself comes easily but sometimes I seem to be too harsh on myself.

      Good to see you here, DUTA.

  14. Hello Susan.
    I hope you realize how fortunate you are to be loved (smile). I don't write to myself, but I'm always writing love letters to my wife. I like to leave them in places where I know she'll be surprised to find them. Wonderful expression & thoughts.
    Thanks for your openness & honesty. Following you in Linky too.

    Garden Of Life

    1. Your act of leaving letters to your wife is so very thoughtful. And I can imagine the kind of letters you would write!

      Thanks for the following. I wonder how Linky works.

  15. Susan this is a superb piece... How many of us will have the courage to write a letter to oneself? I am not sure if i could.... It is an honor to be able to read your letter..You may have started something... I know there will be many who will follow your example.
    Thank You

    1. Thanks Savira for your thoughtful words. You don't have to write a letter, Sav. All your posts are in a way letters to yourself.

      Lots of love :)

  16. It is first of March today so I wonder what was weighing heavy on your hart about his day...
    What a lovely letter to write to yourself as a gentle reminder of what do to and what to do not, written down during the time we are sane enough to recognize the truth about ourselves.;)
    I am back after a short brake catching up, hope you have been well despite the troubles you describe.;)

    1. Ah, Zuzana. Many things were weighing down on my mind and as a feel good factor, I thought I would write to myself.
      Glad that you enjoyed some time away from routine.
      Hope you are doing well and happy :)

  17. Replies
    1. Welcome here Rajeev. Glad to know that you liked this letter.

      Joy always :)

  18. Yes, straight from the heart, Ashwini. Sometimes one needs to write letters as these to keep things going. Thanks for coming by.

  19. hai susan,
    how r u? just now i read the ketter u wrote.. i'm also want 2 write a letter like this..but i'm little weak in english..can u help me please....



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