Monday, 13 February 2012

I bet you have felt like this

There are some quirks in us that we sometimes think are our own but it so happens that we share those quirkiness with many in the world.

Listed below are some of the thoughts that pass my mind. (Disclaimer: Though I have thought these things, I have never done them. But I would definitely want to do atleast nos., 1, 5 and 6.) Let's see if you have also thought like this.

1. The temptation to break the glass cutlery/eggs while they are in our hands. This espcially happens when I am done with washing the glass plates and then on a whim, I feel like smashing them to the ground.

2. Sometimes while being seated in a meeting, I have the urge to lift the person sitting opposite to me and throwing him/her outside the window.

3. The strong desire to eat mud when the smell of the earth overpowers just before it rains.

4. To touch the burning flame of a candle just for the sake of fun.

5. To fart loudly when in a public meeting/church/school assembly.

6. To stand up when in a meeting and then sit down just like that.

7. To pinch a baby when it's sleeping.

8. To bargain the bus fare with the ticket-issuer.

9. When my students fail to do work for more than a week, shake them violently and lift them by their neck.

Well, these are some thoughts: Some are quite mean, I know but nevertheless they pass through my mind. I am sure you also have thoughts that are not utterly sensible but one wonders, My! God! Did I actually think so. So, this is your chance to reveal the not-so-sweet side of you.

Image: Internet



  1. lol these are so funny; Oh my, strangling a student..such thoughts. mine well your #1 is the first my list too, I also after my weekend have had visions of throwing the laundry out the door instead of in the washer. I think of just walking in a store door and making the bell ring ...then out ...over and over.( I know how annoying that is). I have never thought of eating mud, but grass yes, it smells so good I just want to graze. That's a few of mine.

    1. I'm glad that there is a fellow quirk. Oh, even I feel like throwing laundry sometimes.

  2. Hey, funny. I feel like doing no.3 sometimes and I have done no.7 many times when I was a child. Lately, being confined at home I feel like pulling out my hair...have felt it many times though.

    1. Don't pull out your hair. It is your crowning glory. Hope you are feeling much better now than the time you wrote this comment, Janu.

  3. Mine is (after 34 years teaching) to be the bold child in the class. I want to sit in the back row and be the non conformist!

    1. Ha, a fellow teacher who feels like me. Glad to know that you are a teacher, as well.

  4. Replies
    1. Ha Ha. Glad another teacher thinks like me. I thought I was the cruel one but now, I have comrades.

  5. OMG. I just carefully read the quote by David Whyte on your page. OMG Did you post that just for me?

    1. Which one, Betty? I'm glad that the poem struck you. Maybe yes, I did post it for you :)

  6. lol..this was great! I can relate to # 1 and # 4!

    1. I see we are all similar yet different :) That make sus one species (literally and metaphorically.

  7. 2 and 8 definitely - I can't tell you how happy you made me today. Finally someone who is as crazy as I am.. I would like to admit to all actually but I don't want to sound too out of the way : (.

    1. Happy happy to see you happy, Kriti. Ah, I have even a greater list but I spotted with the sane nine. Maybe I will let you into one more: When a person pisses on the road, pat him on the back and ask him: Why the hell are you doing this? Is this your private toilet?

  8. Oh Susan. What I would give to visit the inner workings of that mind of yours. You made me smile.

    When I taught, I could relate to taking students by the neck. Now that I'm retired, I do all kinds of crazy things in the comfort of my home, of course. I understand the desire to eat mud. Me, I'd like to just roll around in it and get really dirty.

    Thanks Susan. This was a fun post.

    1. Fun post, this was, Myrna and I enjoyed recollecting moments and writing them down. Crazy things in the comfort of your home sounds fun. I hope Leroy is also a part of the fun!!!

  9. That was great! I would definitely be the one trying various methods to break out... curiosity killed the cat! :)

  10. It happens..specially the first one:)

  11. Those are funny, though #7 is really mean. About #1, I fear doing that, rather than be tempted to do that

    1. There are other mean things that I did not write here. You will faint if you read them ;) I have not done 1 but soon will do so one day. What's the point in suppressing stuff?

  12. Susan, crazy post!!!I m ahed of u!:)
    wel 4,6 n 7 hav alreaddy been accomplished....:D feeling so special..... of the rest, 5 s yet unfulfilled, thou desired.....hehehe n 1 more for me is to run away froom my home(it gives goose bumps to me too) u made me laugh....
    Happy writing!!!

    1. Ha Ha. There you go. I have done the candle famle one many times but still I'm tempted to do so and the rest, I wonder.

  13. Susan, you are just too funny.;)
    You know you can actually do #4 without injury.;) I love the idea of throwing someone out of the widow, hihi. I guess my only violent urge arises when I am driving, I imagine slapping around the really bad drivers, hihi. Other than that I do not think I have any urges that I do not act upon.;))

    1. Oh, I have done # 4. You are quite a sweet person, Zuzana and no wonder you have no thoughts on damaging people or causing any pain. Slapping bad drivers would be an extremely hazardous thing to do. You should come to India and try driving. I bet you will swear that you will never drive in your life.

  14. I want to pinch hard piano students who haven't practiced. There's a clip at the piano, supposedly for holding books open, but I imagine myself grabbing the clip when a student keeps flubbing up a piece that should have been mastered. And I tell them so. Joking of course ;-)

    1. Pinch 'em harder. I can perfectly understand your situation, very close to what I have said in #9. SOmetimes I pretend that I am lifting one of them and choking them. They laugh. if only they could see the workings of my mind . . .

  15. Trust you to come up with something like this and yet so many of us have thess quirks. I definitely have this mad desire to do 3,4 and 7. I want to also sometimes eat up Fudge , my pup because he is so cute. Loved this one Susan. God bless.

    1. Even I feel like eating up some animate and inanimate things when it seems so cute and soft soft.
      Thanks for your kind words, Rimly.

  16. I actually have done number 4. It's just a little warm, not enuff to burn your finger. And I've done number 8, too. I didn't have enough spare loose change so had to bargain with the conductor! :D The travails of living in Bombay I tell you! :D

    Well, if I had to make a list, I'd really love to slap this really bitchy girl in my class really hard and then say "Sorry!" in that annoying way she does.

    And I'd love to trip someone. Just like that! :D

    1. Ah, I even feel like slapping people . . . sometimes even random people on the road who look corny. Tripping, yes, even I like doing so.
      Sometimes what surfaces out of our mind seems so disconnected to what we are in reality. Any sub-conscious stuff, maybe. Well, whatever, I sometimes laugh out loud thinking of the quirky stuff I want to do.

  17. *gasp* Susan, who knew?!?! LOL!

    I love your honesty and humor! But yeah, I know what you mean - those thoughts, however fleeting - are definitely there! For me, I want to tell people "Have you ever tried just being quiet? Just for a minute? Just don't talk." LOL! Some people are very uncomfortable with silence, and THAT makes me a bit uncomfortable. Does that make sense?

    I sure hope I raise my children to be okay with "comfortable silence".

    1. Comfortable silence, any day. You are a sweet and wise person, Sofia.

      Have a wonderful week ahead :)

  18. Count me in for 2 and 4 and when the priest is too boring and long 6 except that I dont want to sit down again, rather I would like to do #2 to him.

  19. Sometimes even I feel like meddling with a neatly arranged stack of anything. Sometimes the mind is a monkey (manadhu oru kurangu).



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