Monday 4 January 2016

Hobbling into 2016 (Literally!)

Anything new fascinates me as it gives me another chance to rebuild, a chance to look forward to altering me and a chance for hope to abound and if it's a new year, then the prospects triple. Well, 2016 is here and I am overwhelmed and excited by how I get another opportunity to better myself. And lest I forget, the beginning of this year saw me with a broken big toe nail; ''broken'' would be an under statement because the broken nail led to a state of no nail. Yes, I entered 2016 without a nail on my left big toe. I am unwilling to go through the process of how I ended up without a toe nail as I have been narrating the experience to all and sundry throughout my five-hour of my first working day. Phew! the thought itself tires me immensely.

A colleague upon observing my gait, went into a philo-spasm exclaiming how life slows us down when we are running and that one needs to mind the pace with which one works and so on. She is right, I thought, not about life slowing down and all but about SLOWNESS itself. How often we just rush through everything. Slowing down to observe and be mindful is something I consciously try to do but end up forgetting. I stumbled upon this quote of John Muir which speaks to me about a certain calm,

Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity.

- John Muir -

This is what we are exactly doing to ourselves - getting tired, nerve-shaken and over-civilized and in the process forgetting to slow down and cherish our surroundings, US! 

Well, the injured big toe is slowly teaching me to see the world in another fashion and thus ushering me into 2016. 

I hope and pray that you have a blessed and mindful 2016.


  1. So sorry about your toe nail, but as our family always says, "What an opportunity for growth!" We don't always mean it but it helps us through the tough times!

    2016 will be a year to seek out stillness for me, too.

    1. Thanks Toni for the positivity. My toe is wriggling in glee now albeit without the nail. It is rather strange to see my toe like this but as you have quite rightly mentioned, this is indeed an opportunity for me to observe my nail-less toe and wonder at the adaptation skills.

      I hope you have a lovely 2016 ahead, even though February is at the door.

      Joy and love

  2. Happy New Year Susan Deborah! :) May your toe heal quickly!!

    1. Dear Colleen, it is always a joy to see you. Thanks for coming by. I hope you have a brilliant 2016 and lots of love to your two munchkins.

  3. Yes, Susan, we all need to slow down and catch our breaths from time to time. I love the quote from John Muir - whenever we visit the mountains, I do feel as though I've come home.
    Blessings in 2016!

    1. John Muir is fascinating, isn't he? I love reading his works. Hope you are well and happy, dear Martha and I also wish you joy and wellness in 2016.

  4. As a runner I never look at the course no matter how much the website of the race has tried to promote it. I am running a race and all I look for are the mile markers. When I was forced to take a break from racing, I found out how beautiful it was to just run and see my surroundings. Yes, I was forced to slow down

    1. Slowing down is always a sign of a well-lived life, I think. I enjoy reading your Facebook posts and pictures on running. Running has a lot of metaphors for life.

      I wish you a blessed and joyful 2016.



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