Thursday, 14 May 2015

Sights of summer 5: Rain

Oh yes, Rain in summer is something that is good for the mangoes (and also for our sagging-by-the-heat spirits!), they say and in some places these showers are called Mango Showers. They are welcome and not as welcome. We love reasons for some relief from the sweltering heat and hence look forward to these showers while well-meaning people who have been there and know the weather/climate wisely nod saying, These showers will neither cool the temperatures nor bring relief, they will only rise the degree of humidity. Ah, but we never did care for those lines of wisdom and only lived for that moment it rained (we believed in the now, you see!). Well, the showers do not last long but until they poured, we were overjoyed. I always tend to wonder whether the mango trees/flowers benefitted from the showers. They would have, I am sure!

Rain, which is the most unexpected visitor of warm, sweaty and humid days, feeds our thirst for a little degree of change. Perhaps this is the only time, we no not crave for warmth, literally! This rain is like hope which assures us that summer will not last long and soon we will welcome grey skies and potholes filled with water.

Even as I tap the keys of my computer, I hear the pitter-patter of rain. It is but 11: 13 am but it seems as though the dusk is about to envelop. It is wonderful to remain indoors (read home) as it rains outside. Being at home ensures that one can delight in the rain without having to bother about dirty roads, slush and slips. Rain is not rain alone but other added things as well.

Here, I fondly remember a song by Cliff Richard Summer Rain:

. . .Summer rain will come again so the
Harvest is a good one
But if you don't respond to me I am lost
You're the only hope I have to bring
Forth the fruit in season
Now I know I need you to survive
You, you are my dream . . .


  1. Very true. The rains in summer is most welcome, even though we know that they are not the monsoon rains.
    (had not heard this one by Cliff Richard)

    1. Cliff Richard's gospel numbers are relatively unheard by many, I reckon.

      Hope you have been well, Joe.

  2. ohh this is such a beautiful rain. I love the rain no matter how frequent :)

    1. . . . provided I am indoors tucked in with a cosy book and bed!

  3. Love the rain! Hope it is always refreshing for you, Susan!

    1. Yes, it was then, dear Martha. Now it is monsoon time here. A week without rain and I miss them already.

      Love and light, dear fellow traveller.

  4. You are like a song in rain. You like rain.
    You are not like raag. You do not like rain clouds or rainfall mechanism.

    1. Thanks KG. Sometimes the result is much better than the process. I learnt this about me today.

  5. Where I live, summer rain is almost non-existent.The trouble is that even in autumn and winter, rain is not always abundant as it should be. Anyway I always like rain, but a quiet one that leaves a smell of fresh and clean all around.

    1. How glad I am to see you, dear DUTA! Strange, after reading passages of rain in the Bible, I had always imagined Israel to have summer rain. We learn new things, everyday.

      Thanks for dropping by, DUTA. Good to see your comment, as always.



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