Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Summer days and pepsicolas

Summer is like the post-coital feeling - not everyone takes to it after the lovely splash of spring and the bygone chilly days. Though the post-coital session evokes warmth and a sense of fulfilment, it cannot compare to coitus itself. Period. The sweat and the addendum to it makes it a tad difficult for me but then there are some bright spots (literally and metaphorically) to summer. The appearance of water/musk melons, pepsi-colas and other summery delights alleviate the problem of post-spring/winter melancholia partially. Summer also signals the end of the semester and examination blues. I thought after becoming a teacher, I would be free from the end-of-term low tide but looks like the end always comes with a sting of boredom, a sense of forlornness and loneliness of having to bid adieu to a set of students with whom the year was spend in wanton abandon, endless gossip, conniving moments and of course some lessons. I will miss them and that feeling makes me a bit morose.

The beach which beckons during warm summer evenings is a welcome relief

The weather is synonymous with my mood and talk. It reflects on my actions and words. Though I try to avoid wearing the weather on me, I seldom succeed. All and sundry realise or eventually come to know of my disdain for summer which is quite conspicuous through my behaviour. I yearn for the sunniness to pass - give way to cool monsoons and sweat-free bodies. And yes, the summer also brings the smell - full throttle! Sweat from the body sans any deo which is feral and raw and often overpowering. I am someone who has heightened olfactory system which oft works against me, conspiring to outdo the summer's already raw nerve.

But summers also bring along the promise of a monsoon which is just two months away and without a summer, there is no relief of the rain. So, I rest my case and await the monsoon eventhough I know that it will be a long wait. Waiting is a way of life in India, you see. I am not complaining.

Image courtesy: Blogger's own picture


  1. I, too, dislike the heat of summer which can get downright steamy here in Georgia. And I can relate to saying good-bye to students at the end of the term as I taught for years. Always bittersweet . . . Will sign up to receive your blog via e-mail so we can make sure we stay in touch!
    Love and blessings, Susan!

    1. Ah, I had always imagined that America had a pleasanter weather throughout the year.

      Thanks for coming by dearest Martha and yes, we should stay in touch.

      Big hugs and lots of love.

  2. Maybe weather arouses and changes feelings. But we also have gadgets to beat the weather. And at the basic level is the persons' intentions and desires and other factors which arouses feelings and leads to a meaningful relationship.

    1. The gadgets don't much seem appealing - how long will they sustain. They cannot accompany us while walking to the market, cooking in the kitchen and other such.

      Thanks for coming by KG. A pleasure to have you stop by. Hope your summers are pleasant and less troublesome.



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